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I think I’m just a wee bit too social to be a true introvert.
Sometimes, I can’t wait to get out of the house and socialize with some people…which we all know isn’t very easy these days.
Other times, I can be on my own for a week at a time and feel like I’m STILL not getting enough alone time.
But true introverts feel like they want to avoid people 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, and there’s no in-between and there’s no negotiating with them.
Does that sound familiar?
Whether it does or it doesn’t, we think you’ll get a big kick out of these funny tweets. Enjoy!
1. You’re feeling it.
In a major way.
Wearing a mask with sunglases gives me a level of anonymity I’ve desired. #COVIDIOTS #COVID19 #coronavirus #introvert #introvertproblems
— Chaithanya Ch (@Chaithu_ch) September 10, 2020
2. At least 6 feet away, please.
That’s how this whole thing is gonna work.
When all of this is over, please continue to stay 6 feet away from me.#introvertproblems
— HOOK MUSIC (@hookmusic2002) September 10, 2020
3. No need to talk.
Not ever, really…
4. This is getting to be a problem.
Clearly, you’re not getting it.
5. I don’t really want to go “out”.
But it’s a nice thing to ponder.
I wanna go out but not like out, out #introvert
— Jenn Granneman (@JennGranneman) September 4, 2020
6. You’re right! Totally! Exactly!
You really get it!
7. An introvert hangover.
They really exist!
I have an introvert hangover. I was around too many people last night and my body hurts from being anxious. No alcohol was consumed.
— Meghan Camarena (@Strawburry17) January 1, 2018
8. I love you, but you gotta go.
No offense, by the way.
Being an introvert is basically liking your friends but wanting them to leave at the same time.
— Introvert Life (@IntrovertLiving) March 27, 2018
9. Just can’t deal with it right now.
But they sure are lovely people.
10. Not a bad idea.
Not bad at all…
I take the stairs 90% of the time in my building to avoid having to talk to someone on the elevator… #introvertproblems
— Pratham (@RonhinHood) September 9, 2020
11. I’ll be going alone.
And don’t try to follow me!
Introverts be like “I know a place” then go there alone without saying.
— Michael (@Angelo_vo) September 17, 2020
12. That was totally exhausting.
Time to take a nap.
Me after business calls and Zoom meetings. #introvertproblems
— Seth Metoyer (@SethMetoyer) September 12, 2020
13. That was so rude!
How dare you!
Introverts be like;
How rude of you not to invite me to something I didn't want to go.#IntrovertProblems
— Sami Harun (@samiullah66) September 12, 2020
14. To a whole new level.
That’s just the worst.
"I'm sorry, what?" – me while I remove my headphones when someone talks to me even though I wasn't listening to anything and could hear them clearly the first time#introvertproblems
— My (@canceledplanss) September 9, 2020
Are you an introvert?
If you are, tell us if any of these tweets really hit home for you.
We can’t wait to hear from you! Have a great day!