Do you know how to raise a kid? No seriously, I’m asking. Because I don’t. And the prospect that I will likely someday have to is freaking me out a little more each day.
I’ve been trying to find advice on the internet but I just keep looking at memes. Maybe they can help?
Let’s find out with these fifteen parenting gems.
15. Tell me more
Wednesday will not be pleased to hear about this.

Via: Someecards
14. Forgive me, father
They mustn’t find out who I truly am.

Via: Someecards
13. Guffaw suppression
Just gotta hold it in for like 15 more years and then tell them about it then.

Via: Someecards
12. Clean up
I’ve had a few roommates like this as well.

Via: Someecards
11. Tattle tale
I’m sure he’s thrilled about it every time.

Via: Someecards
10. Take a break
It’s somehow more soothing than any white noise machine.

Via: Someecards
9. Butt of the joke
How any of those teachers are surviving this is totally beyond me.

Via: Someecards
8. Fruit on top
Just a refreshing 4,000 calories to get your day started.

Via: Someecards
7. Dolla dolla bills, ya’ll
Don’t spend it all in one place.

Via: Someecards
6. Time’s change
Humanity has never really had it together.

Via: Someecards
5. Potty training
Ah, nah, this is definitely not what I signed up for.

Via: Someecards
4. Secret meetings
There’s not much room but at least it’s quiet.

Via: Someecards
3. Blanket statements
Looks like that laundry is going…undercover.

Via: Someecards
2. Join us
It’s only gonna get crazier from here.

Via: Someecards
1. Silent perfection
You could only improve by being unconscious.

Via: Someecards
Parenting doesn’t look easy, but it does look…rewarding? I think? Or at least it produces good memes?
Do you have any parenting tips?
Share them with us in the comments.