
Have you taken the time to explore the Twitter hashtag #SignsYouAreAnAdult? It’s pretty darn entertaining and if you haven’t yet, you should jump on it.

Because I have a feeling a lot of these sentiments will look familiar to you.

Let’s take a look at some responses about adulting.

1. It’s going to a long, hot night.

2. Oh, Squidward, you were right all along.


3. In bed by 9:30? Yes, please!

4. Or you keep a tally sheet in your wallet.

5. What am I doing here?

6. Tread very carefully, friends.

7. Will I ever see you again?

8. Why did I do this to myself? Again…

9. At least you’re rackin’ up a little cash.

10. Now, this lady knows what’s up!

11. Turn it down, now!

12. No more Fruity Pebbles for any of us.

13. This might be the most depressing sign of all.

14. The internal alarm is a real thing.

15. Get off my lawn! Wait…did I just say that?

My moment came when I realized I have a favorite soap to wash my dishes. My, how times have changed.

What are yours? Sound off in the comment section!