Have you ever heard that expression “you get what you pay for”?
I’m willing to bet that you have.
And it exists because sometimes it’s better to pay more for a good product.
Let’s see what AskReddit users had to say about this.
1. Take care of your feet.
“Good shoes.
My entire youth was plagued with money deficiencies that ended up with me having crap shoes due to my ignorance, and feet with calluses. I didn’t realise my feet were a little wider than usual and some shoes really weren’t good for me.
I now look back at the last 12 years and realised that since I got to know my needs better, and chose to buy better quality shoes (quality VS quantity), I have literally ended up shoes that are over 12 years old sitting besides shoes that are 2 years old.
Good shoes last a long bloody time. Your tastes might change over time, so makes sure to give ‘em a good polish before deciding to give the old ones away.”
2. Listen to this!
There’s nothing like hearing every intricate detail of a record on a good system.”
3. Look sharp.
“When I get a good haircut I feel good about myself for months after.
A terrible haircut can ding my confidence.
I get a really nice haircut every three to four months and it’s so worth it.”
4. Gotta have it.
“A house cleaner. My partner and I are not rich by any means, but I ALWAYS budget for our house cleaner to come once every 2 weeks.
While I can keep up with basic tidying, the house cleaner does the tasks that I used to spend hours on the weekend doing (washing floors, the tub etc).
Having that time back is 100% worth the cost to me.”
5. Safer, too.
“Tires. I’ve had my fair share of almost bald cheap Walmart tires.
Trust me when I say a good set of tires is worth every penny.”
6. Tool time.
“Good tools are so underrated.
I bought cheap precision screwdrivers only to realize that they basically become useless after just a month.
Never buying cheap tools again.”
7. Definitely worth it.
“Bicycle parts.
Good quality stuff works so much better and lasts so much longer.”
8. Great point.
“Food banks.
Whatever you give is worth far more to the people who receive it. You are feeding people and often their kids too.”
9. See the world.
I have never regretted spending relatively large amounts of money on international travel.
Experiences become priceless memories and give you a better understand of the world.”
10. Get to the sweating!
“Gym membership at expensive, boutique type gym.
Its the only place that has made me actually work out consistently for over 2 years. Its changed my life, made me super healthy and happy and strong.
I would pay twice what I currently pay if I had to (and I’m lucky to be able to afford it).”
11. Get comfy.
“Quality bed sheets.
In college, I slept on some of the cheapest, ugliest sheets for years. They were awful. And as soon as I got a place of my own, I still gladly paid a little extra for better sheets.
Even though I was mostly broke at the time, there are just some things you can’t put a price on.”
12. You know it!
“The good super thick towels- once you try them, you won’t want to go back.
Completely dry with just a quick once over, without scrubbing all over trying to get dry. Bonus points if it’s wide enough that you cover yourself easily.
So much better than drying off with some cheap thing that hardly absorbs the water.”
13. Good one.
“Better headphones/headsets, eye-saver monitors, better chairs, peripherals and blue-light blocking glasses.
Improve everything you interact with.”
14. Me, too!
“Books. Physical books, ebooks, whatever suits at the time, but I’ll keep buying books.
To be read pile keeps growing, I’m rereading old stuff, and still finding good new stuff to buy.”
15. I like this one.
“I like to sing.
Every Wednesday night a professional acoustic guitar player comes to my house to play for me and I sing for an hour.
Pure joy.”
16. Happy wife, happy life.
“I love spending money on my wife.
She could find the fountain of youth and would hesitate to spend the money to visit if it wasn’t in the budget.
She constantly goes out of her way for me so I’m happy to buy her things.”
17. A little extra.
Paying hundreds more for a “luxury” hotel is silly, but I’ll pay $50 or so more for what I know to be a reliable brand. If I’m on a trip, I probably don’t have the patience or energy to deal with half a**ed service or dirty rooms and I’ll be happy to pay a little more for a nice place.
The trick is finding something in that sweet spot that’s nice but also serves a good free breakfast. Something like Doubletree or Embassy Suites.”
18. Absolutely.
Especially when you’ve had a few at the bar and are internally debating whether or not you’re ok to drive.
First of all, if you’re debating it you’re probably not ok. Second of all, even if you’re just a little bit over and get busted the best case scenario is hundreds of dollars in fines and a possible loss of license as opposed to a twenty buck Uber ride.
And that’s before you put in the risk you’re putting to yourself and others.”
19. Never going back.
“Real butter. I grew up on the fake s**t.
Once I became an adult and realized how MUCH better real butter is, I’ve never gone back.”
20. Anything for you.
“Anything my cats want or need.
A new bed? Absolutely. Top quality food? Yes. Monthly trips to the vet? A room just for you? Grooming services?
21. The good stuff.
“Weekly deliveries from Misfit Market, Imperfect Foods, and a local farm produce delivery. This is admittedly too many deliveries and I’ll have to pare down.
I also like an every other week Hello Fresh.
The reason I don’t mind spending money on these surprises is because getting the packages helps mitigate depression.
The surprise nature of it.
The tasty food part.
The craft/project aspect of using the different foods.I was taught that to be super frugal was to be morally correct. Turns out its not only wrong to judge people less frugal than yourself, but hyper frugality can be toxic.”
22. Yup.
“Good dog food.
I work at a vet and seeing the problems dogs get caused by cheap dog food is overwhelming.
I believe in saving money buying good dog food now as opposed to spending $1,000’s of dollars in vet bills later.”
23. Important.
“Safety equipment. MX, Skateboarding, Skiing, whatever it is – good safety equipment is worth it’s weight in gold.
Also, if you are doing something where you need a helmet? If you crash and hit your head (or even drop your helmet from a height greater than 4ft) buy a new one – the foam inside is compromised and once it is? It’s almost like not wearing a helmet.
Pro tip: Usually the ‘most expensive’ stuff is priced that way because of the branding and hype. The cheapest stuff is generally junk. The happy spot is in the mid-range prices. Do your research, but generally you can get all the safety/security features of the uber-high-priced stuff somewhere in the mid-range priced gear. Just never go with the cheap stuff.
An example would be Shoei helmets for road riding… $700+ for a helmet, when there are helmets by AGV and other brands for around $250 that actually do better in a myriad of safety tests! That $700 might get you some little techie goodies added or a nicer paint finish, but when it comes to safety?
The $250 AGV is every bit as good and better in some safety categories. Both of those compared to the $75 helmet at the local hardware store? Well, they are both worlds better in every capacity.”
24. Quality.
“Quality food.
There’s a certain threshold of quality that really makes a difference.
Beyond that price point you’re paying for diminishing returns of quality, but below that threshold, the food loses quality real fast.”
25. Worth it.
“My iPhone.
A lot of people complain about the cost of the phone and it is very expensive. But when I think about cost per use, and the average length I get out of my phone, it comes to about a dollar a day for the most important physical item in my life.
When my three year upgrade comes up I have no apprehension about getting a new phone with the largest capacity.”
What do you not mind spending money on?
Tell us what you think in the comments.
We look forward to it!