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OnlyFans is a website where people pay to subscribe to particular content creators – largely for adult content.
I don’t have an account. Not because I’m above it, just because I don’t have any money.
Anyway, that and a lot of related sites have been a huge boon for some people. But you have to wonder, as this Redditor did…
People with OnlyFans, have you ever been randomly recognized in public? If so, what happened?
byu/bigd10199501 inAskReddit
So, what’s the deal when the feel becomes real? Let’s see what people had to say.
1. I think it’d be illegal to fire her over that, so
There’s a girl I work with the intentionally gives out her OF info where she works at.
She did it at her prior job as well.
I think it’s either to control the situation or for the added revenue stream.
But it spread like wild fire in a place that employs 1200 people, and I’m shocked she still works here.
– The6thHouse
2. Gotta shake the stalkers
Yes, once when I was visiting Dallas a guy came up to me and said he recognized me by the shirt I was wearing (I had wore the shirt in a public nudity shoot I did).
I hope I never experience that again.
– texascouple0806
3. Be more chill
I had a guy recognize me, thankfully he was pretty chill.
He low key followed me for a bit, then split ways then sent me a message on OF saying he saw me. And that was it.
Half of my family know what I do (found out), but almost none of my friends.
I imagine it would be awkward if someone actually came up to me and started talking about my line of work lol
– MT_061619
4. I know where you work
I was recognized once on the Subway into work.
The guy didn’t come up to me, but sent me a message saying “hey I saw you on x train.”
Later, he came up to me in the lobby of my building. Apparently he works in the same building.
TBH it freaked me out a lot but thankfully nothing bad ever came of it.
– twilighttruth
5. What a twist of fate
No, not in public. But I did have a fan tip me and say “hey insert my real name I know you from work”.
It freaked me out a bit since I don’t tell many irl people about it and it could have been a creep, but it turned out to be a cool guy I actually had a crush on haha!
– sally0627
6. You’ll figure it out…
Recently in my day job I had a new client who I was having Zoom meetings with and she was adamant she knew my voice. She keeps bringing it up every week, asking if I have done radio, podcasts, V.O. work. She keeps joking she will get to the bottom of the mystery somehow.
I started making erotic audio for women and built up a pretty solid following during subsequent lockdowns last year.
After she brought this up I checked my Patreon subs and she subscribed to me 9 months ago with her work email.
I honestly am just waiting for the penny to drop.
– ASMR-Daddy
7. That’s America’s a**
I saw an Snapchat/Instagram model I follow at Trader Joes who I only recognized due to her gigantic, amazing a** and then her voice.
I knew she lived near me, so it wasn’t totally out of the realm of possibility that I could have seen her.
I messaged her on Snapchat later and she confirmed she had been there that day. She liked hearing that her a** was recognizable
– rtm316
8. Thanks?
I’m on another camming site.
Not in public but on Grindr once a guy that was 3 miles away recognized me and said he saw my show.
Offered to give me a laptop actually.
– Some-Tall-Guy75
9. The past follows you around
Not me but a coworker.
Apparently while this coworker was in nursing school she did hard-core p**n prior. A couple of male paramedic/firefighters recognized her and it quickly got around the ER that she was a p**nstar.
She had a fake name and people were sharing it. This nurse was mortified and I may have been one of the only select few who didn’t treat her differently after this.
– Faeli
10. Small town’s gonna talk
No OF but I used to be a camgirl on a popular site (not to be named). Someone used a recording program and shared videos of me during a set on multiple p**n sites, very much against my permission.
Well it got back to my family and other people in the small town I’m from. It’s still hard to be seen in public there and my family disowned me for a number of years due to the shame and embarrassment.
All because I was struggling to make ends meet.
– Deezus1229
11. It gets scary
I’ll add my story. But it wasn’t OF. I did post on Reddit for one year, I also made some friends via Kik.
Guess I gave out my town one day, because I started getting scary messages. He said I looked really good that day at the grocery store! Then he mentioned that I must love books since I visit the bookstore once a week. So that was the end of that! Blocked, scared out of my mind. I had my child with me every single time!!!! So getting noticed for nudes is a bit awkward, but being stalked was way worse!
Ps: I stopped going out for a few weeks and then I only went out with a group.
– paperflowermemories
12. Wait, why is your attorney doing that?
I worked with a nurse who was a high level administrator and a bit of a hottie. Her husband was an attorney who helped set up p**n sites for one of his clients.
We were at a conference once and after a few drinks she admitted that her butt was a banner for several of the sites. I’d never been to them before but when I looked at it it sure looked the shape and color one would expect to be hers. Tame photo and just the one.
The next time we got drunk she told me the same story.
– BeemerBaby004
13. Sometimes it’s just open
I have a facebook friend that I worked with at a fast food joint when we were teenagers.
I forgot all about her until she came across my feed with a post that was actually advertising her OF.
She is super open about it and posts semi explicit content to her fb page.
– tenors88
14. I know that girl…
Not sure, but I saw a crush I had in high school on P**nHub awhile ago.
Surprised the h**l out of me, and i haven’t talked to her since she graduated (before I saw)
– Bike_Chain_96
15. If only mom knew…
Obligatory not me, but my cousin-in-law works in p**n.
We all went out to dinner and this kid who couldn’t have been more than 20 years old was at the restaurant with his mom. He keeps eyeing my cousin all shy and doesn’t really know what to say, probably didn’t want to mention in front of his mom where he recognized her from.
Eventually cousin and the mom were in the bathroom, mom nicely asked cousin to take a picture with her kid and she agreed. If only mom knew lmao.
– AllyMarie93
16. A blessing in disguise?
My wife knew a coworker who was fired for filming herself f**gering herself on a vacant hospital bed for her OF account.
Someone saw her work badge and reported her.
When everyone found out, over half of the staff knew who she was and some of them signed up to her OF.
– devicto89
17. Is this you?
Not OF or me, but I saw an ex on a random p**n site once.
I asked if she knew or not (since she was an early childhood teacher and it could’ve cost her her career) and she made out it wasn’t her.
It had her full face and her tattoos with some of her stuff in the background though, so I think she knew the video I was talking about and got embarrassed or something. We slowly stopped talking after that.
I remember going through my history about a few weeks later and the video was taken down.
– Taneatua
18. A little professionalism, please.
Yes, I was recognized at a modeling event I worked.
The guy was also a model.
I had the misfortune of working next to him the entire time where he BEGGED me to pay me to watch him m**turbate in real life.
It was…. weird.
– grovestreetbets
19. The best part of waking up
I have been recognized one time by a guy at my favorite coffee shop.
He was actually very nice and not creepy which was awesome!
I did send him a picture of my t**s with a mug in front as a joke later.
– SadieSantaMonica
20. The phantom OF conspiracy
Well, this is indirectly related, but I once made a joke at work about being busy over the weekend responding to all my OF “followers.” (I included the air quotes.)
The joke is that I’m a 53-year old male who has never been called handsome, so obviously, I’d be responding to women that I follow. But…apparently, a few people at work thought it was funny/absurd that I should have an OF account (as in, posting my pics and videos) and have been trying to find my account ever since.
I responded to the question because they told some clients that I had an OF account, and the clients complained to my boss, who brought me into his office to reprimand me. When I explained that I don’t have an account, didn’t tell anyone that I did, and only a few people believe that I do, I was happily told to wait while he brought in the ones who DID tell the clients. Let me tell you, that was a pretty awesome moment. They actually tried to convince our boss that I was lying, and to check my phone.
– matunascraft
21. It happens to us all
Supposing it’s like seeing someone you know at an adult shop.
You both know why you’re there, yet you can’t tell anyone you saw the other there without explaining why you were there.
Because everyone gets h**ny sometimes.
– FizzyBeverage
22. I’m not that girl
I’ve never actually been recognized, but I’ve had guys I’m talking to on the platforms I work on think that I’m someone they know, and I have to convince them that no, I’m not that girl from Arkansas that you know on Facebook.
– Minaowl
23. Obsessed and parasocial
There’s been a few times where I’ve been hit up by other guys on grindr being like “it’s you!!”, but it’s only been a couple instances.
Mine was a specific fetish account, and 99% of my people were not local and spread out across the world. I think there’s maybe like 4 people who are local of my ~800 followers, so tiny percentage. There was one time where a guy was really inspecting me at a gas station like he was trying to figure out who I was behind my mask. Makes me wonder lmao
I’ve recently quit 3 months ago since quarantine is ending, I got vaccinated, and I can go back to work. It was fun at first but lost its charm quickly and became lowkey stressful. I’d feel really bad and guilty because some of these guys would get really obsessed and parasocial, and I didn’t want to encourage those kind of unhealthy relationships. Made me feel kinda scummy tbh. Found out I do not have the heart to hustle and that’s okay haha
– peepeemint3
24. Happy to have you!
Not exactly, but I did recently have a subscriber asking me to s**t which was then followed by him disclosing that he actually knows me and was a bit embarrassed.
I told him he had nothing to worry about and in general am a very s** positive person. He then revealed who he was and was pleasantly surprised it wasn’t an ex or something, just an acquaintance who I had met a couple times and over all is rad guy 🙂
I have a couple friends from real life on my page, but same deal as long as they are respectful I’m happy to have their support!
– DicentraVI
25. The first date
I live in L.A. I saw a very famous MILF p**n star sitting at a Cafe. It made me do a double take.
Left her alone because she seemed to be on a first date with a dude, and I didn’t want to ruin the date.
– Austiniuliano
26. Feet pics
Not necessarily the same, but my coworker came into the back one day and told me she just got $400 in her Paypal.
I asked, “how the h**l did that happen?” to which she said “I got them money-makin’ feet, baby.”
This is also the girl who agreed to let me take a picture of her having s** for a photography project.
She’s a waitress. (Not an accountant)
– world-of-atlas
27. They grow up so fast
Sorta the other way around for me.
There was a girl who lived in my neighborhood when I was in elementary school, a few years younger then me too.
We would have water balloon fights and she was always around.
Come to find out years and years later she’s a pretty famous p**nstar now.
Blows my mind. ?
– dabwrx
28. Some use disguises
Pre OF I was a cam model on a couple of different sites for my different moods.
On screen I would wear a wig, change the contouring of my face, cover up tatts and set up the room that there would be no personal identifiers.
I’ve had a few skew looks once I’ve spoken but since I don’t wear make up outside of camming it hasn’t gone further.
– KoalaMonkeyDog
29. Number 86 ain’t bad
One of my best friends had an ex that another friend randomly found on p**nhub.
She was #86 on the top p**nstar list at the time on PH.
This was just a few month after they broke up so she must’ve IMMEDIATELY started making a TON of films.
– Buchymoo
I guess if you see someone you recognize from your steamy computer times, yanno, just be chill.
Have you experienced anything like this?
Tell us about it in the comments.