Sometimes, asking someone to do things around the house is almost as exhausting as just doing it yourself.
And only a bit less frustrating.
Blogger Constance Hall had had it with the housework imbalance in her household, and she decided to let the world know via a Facebook post.
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The story starts out with her taking the well-meant advice of friends:
Seems like a good thing, right? Stuff is getting done.
Not so much.
She’s right. It’s exhausting. Here’s her advice for partners who aren’t pulling their weight:
People could identify with Hall. The post quickly went viral, with almost 50,000 comments and 184,000 shares.
Other Facebook users could identify. Here’s one example:
The post is a reminder for all of us to do better and take the initiative when it comes to taking care of our homes. Don’t wait to be asked—do!