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Those teenage years sure are tough, aren’t they?
And that goes double for parents of teenagers!
Because they’re really going through it!
Check out these tweets from parents of teens and try to sympathize with them, okay?
1. That’s good parenting!
Feel free to use this.
Just changed the Netflix password so my teenager has to come out of his room to talk to me.
— Wendi Aarons (@WendiAarons) October 16, 2016
2. Not gonna happen.
Don’t even think about it!
When you ask teenagers for a picture….
— Sam McAlister (@SamMcAlister1) June 4, 2021
3. Good news!
Dodged a bullet there.
Just watched one of my teens struggle for 10 minutes to use a can opener on a can of soup with a pull tab.
The good news: She did get the can open, & that’s likely one less college tuition for us.
— Stephanie Ortiz (@Six_Pack_Mom) November 13, 2017
4. That’s the way it works.
Have fun with that!
Babies&small children need attention 24/7. Then they become teens& hide in their rooms, avoiding you as much as possible, to make up for it.
— Salty Mermaid Entertainment (@saltymermaident) June 18, 2016
5. Stop it, Mom!
It’s a no-win situation…
Having a teenager is so weird.
— Teddy (@That1teddygirl) January 25, 2022
6. It’s terrifying.
We wish you luck…
Having a teenager is like living in a haunted house: every now and then you’ll see a figure in the corner of your eye, hear moaning, and then a door slams.
— Arlynn Lake, Professional Optimist (@DrWhoWhatWhyHow) April 21, 2021
7. Now you get it.
Makes perfect sense!
As a mother of 2 teenagers I fully understand why animals eat their young
— Natasha Huckfield (@dramadelinquent) June 2, 2021
8. Poor kid.
I hope he recovers…
Please remember my teen in prayer as tragically he must be seen at the grocery store with his family today
— Maryfairyboberry??♀️ (@maryfairybobrry) April 25, 2021
9. Not for you.
That one hurts.
My daughter went back to college today and I texted her that I missed her so much and she texted back 2.5 hours later, “Yes.” Then, “Sorry, that wasn’t for you.”
— Lady Lawya (@Parkerlawyer) January 11, 2021
10. Pretty much.
Makes sense, right?
Having teenagers is a lot like having toddlers–except their toys are more expensive and they’re harder to force into the shower.
— Foxy Wine Pocket (@FoxyWinePocket) August 2, 2017
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