Every time I see a missing pet flyer stapled to a light pole or a bulletin board, my heart sinks. I feel awful for the owners of the cat, dog, guinea pig, rabbit, etc. that has gone missing and I feel terrible for the animal itself, lost and confused out on the street somewhere. I always hope that the animal makes it back home safely, but you hear way too many sad stories about pets never returning home.
A pizzeria in New Jersey is hoping to help reunite lost pets with their owners with a simple but pretty genius method: putting photos and information about missing pets on their pizza boxes.
Angelo’s Pizza in Matawan, New Jersey, started this practice recently and it proved so popular that the story even ended up on Good Morning America.
The owner of Angelo’s Pizza, John Sanfratello, came up with the idea after he saw a flyer for a missing cat.
“Growing up, we used to have missing children on milk cartons. Why can’t the pizza box be the milk carton of today, but for animals?”
Some other businesses with family ties to Angelo’s have started doing the same thing. Sanfratello’s cousin owns the Little Cupcake Bakeshop, with locations in Brooklyn and Manhattan, and his sisters own La Forchetta Ristorante, with two locations in Florida: both businesses are now putting missing animal flyers on their boxes as well.
What a great and simple idea. I’d like to see this practice catch on across the whole country so we can reunite as many pets as possible with their owners.
What do you think? Let us know in the comments!