
This is one of the most adorable and heartwarming stories that you’re going to see for a long time.

Recently, in Chatham-Kent, Ontario, Canada, a sweet dog was found in the snow on the side of the road wrapped around five stray kittens trying to keep the little ones nice and warm. Someone noticed the animals and brought them to the Pet and Wildlife Rescue for safety.

A spokesperson for the shelter said that the temperatures were going to be freezing that night and the dog’s actions likely saved the lives of the tiny kittens.

The hero dog, thought to be about 2-years-old, was given the name Serenity and she checked up on the kittens regularly after they were brought to the shelter.

Serenity was even given a cake with a photo of her and the kittens to enjoy for her hard work.

Serenity is set to be spayed soon and she will then be put up for adoption. Her adoption profile says:

“Let me tell you a little bit about myself so that the shelter can find the most suitable home for me. I’m obviously great with cats and would have no problem going to a home that has cats in it?.

I’m estimated to be about 2 years old so I’m still young and have the energy of a toddler. I love zooming around outside and will run circles around any person or object that is out in the yard with me. The shelter staff has been working on it, but I can be quite jumpy and need to be taught some manners. At this time in my life I would do best in a home without small children that I can knock over – I wouldn’t want to accidentally hurt someone. I’ve gotten along with a couple of dogs at the shelter so far – both were extremely submissive or uninterested in interacting with me. Along with my dominance I am HUGE on playing and have a tendency to get right in other dog’s faces. I didn’t get along with the dominant or even slightly reactive shelter dogs.

I do need help with my house training as it is not perfect right now.

The shelter staff is concerned about getting backlash for not adopting me out with the kittens that I was found with, but the kittens are not old enough to be on their own yet. If they waited for the kittens to be ready that would mean that I wouldn’t have my forever family for a couple of months. It is always the staff’s goal to get dogs out of the shelter environment and into their forever homes as soon as possible.”

The kittens that Serenity rescued will be put up for adoption as well after they get stronger.

What a nice story. ?

I think I need a tissue, I have something in my eye…