
If you live in a place that has rough winters complete with snow and freezing weather, you know you want to save time and effort on those cold mornings when snow has fallen the night before because it takes time to scrape your windows and brush all the fluffy white stuff off of your car.

And a TikTok user in New York City decided to try a new method for keeping their car relatively snow-free during the winter months…especially when they know they’re gonna be in a hurry in the morning.

Take a look at the video.

Watch on TikTok

While it might look like a decent idea on the surface, some TikTok users had some questions about this process.

Here’s how a few of them reacted.

This person suggested that maybe they just need to be a car cover.

Photo Credit: TikTok

And another TikTokker brought up a good question: where do the wet blankets go after you pull them off?

Photo Credit: TikTok

And this person had a totally different thought about this.

Photo Credit: TikTok

While this individual said this would probably be a good idea…unless the blanket freezes to the car. Then what?!?!

Photo Credit: TikTok

Hmmmm…looks like there are some mixed feelings there…

What do you think about this?

And do you have any winter hacks that you think people should know about?

Talk to us in the comments and let us know.

We’d love to hear from you! Thanks in advance!