
Relationships are complicated. This is a truth that most of us know, but it doesn’t make it any easier when you are the one in the complicated relationship.

Sometimes, people stray outside their relationship and have affairs. And sometimes, women who have affairs end up pregnant with babies that aren’t their partners.

One person took to Reddit to ask doctors and nurses what it’s like to deliver a baby that clearly isn’t biologically related to the dad in the room… and their answers are definitely illuminating.

15. The baby was literally still attached.

We had a very sweet blond haired blue eyed mom and dad along with their entire extended family in the room for a delivery one busy afternoon at work (think aunts, Uncles, cousins, Grandma and Grandpa too).

The baby is born and as the doctor places her on the mom’s chest the first words out of her mouth are “That’s not my baby! That’s not my baby!!”

The baby in question, still attached at the umbilical cord, has beautiful dark curly black hair, and dark skin. The nurse looks at her and tells her that this is definitely her baby because “she’s still attached to you” and she, not so quietly, tells the nurse “There’s no way, I never slept with a black man! It’s not mine!”

The “father” is standing there silent, not sure what to do. A long awkward silence fills the room.

We clean her and baby up as cheerfully as we can. We see the extended family filter out of the room and the “father” leave to get a cigarette.

About ten minutes later a tall black guy walks up to our front desk asking how to get to the patient in question’s room.

14. It could be!

I was assisting at a Caesarian when I was a junior doctor. The woman’s dark skinned partner had been in prison 9 months or so.

I took the baby immediately upon delivery and announced cheerily “It’s a boy!”

Her first words were “Is it black?”

Luckily the baby was a mocha colour that could have gone either way, and I told her in a mildly confused manner “Ahhh, it could be?”

13. A total nightmare.

Paramedic here, our crew delivered a full birth in the back of our rig. We have 2 paramedics in the back with the PT, a driver, and I’m working on the laptop listening to info they are telling me to add to the report.

All the sudden, it goes kind of quiet, I hear the mother let out a very loud “Oh s***, it’s not white!” (She was very white).

Few more seconds of silence, and I’m like, “?”

The driver alarm(beeping light on the center console sent from a button in the back) was pressed 2 times quickly, generally meaning to turn around to get info for the report. I turn from the front passenger seat to see a very dark skin colored baby.(I’m guessing Cuban) I can’t see the mothers face, but all I see is her shacking her head. She begins to worry, saying that “her husband is meeting us there at the hospital! He can’t see this!!!”. I just continue the report, and am not sure what the problem is, but I guess we’ll see when we get there.

Flash forward, to the ER. We stop outside the ambulance bay, I get out to open the doors, and am met by another very white heavyset guy in a uniform shirt, dress pants and glasses, asked me if his wife was in there and she was in labor when he was coming home.

Hospital policy dictates that we can’t have random people that we can’t confirm identity that close to the rig when opening doors for PT safety. Security is there quick, holds him back a bit. We open the doors, roll the PT and her newborn out. He takes one look, sees the color of the baby,

JAW DROP, LOOK OF DESPAIR. Like a 1000 yard stare. Even security had a look like, “wow, that women fucked up, and this guy knows it now”

Wife: “BABE, I can explain every bit of this!!! I know it looks weird, but I can!!!!”

We wheel her into ER. No sign of husband. Last I knew, the husband didn’t check into the hospital as a visitor. I’m assuming he went home to pack his stuff.

12. Everyone thought her mom cheated.

Okay I am a nurse but this isn’t a story about a birth I witnessed, it was my own birth. And although my mother definitely didn’t cheat, all the midwives were convinced she had. And yeah it’ll be buried but I think it’s a funny story so I’m going to share.

For background: my mother (J) is white, and had got married young to another white guy (D) (actually forced to by my grandparents who were horrified she was living in sin). Their relationship petered out and they separated but remained very good friends.

Then she met my father (A), a black man, and began a relationship with him. Mum was still married at the time, neither her nor her husband were in a hurry to get divorced, and he became good friends with Mums new partner (my dad).

Mum fell pregnant with me. Time moves along. She goes into labour and needs to head up to the hospital.

Dad was working and couldn’t make it home in time to get her there, so still being good friends with the husband, she rings him and he comes around to drive her to hospital and decides to hang out until I’m born.

After an hour or so dad arrives. He was freaking out a bit so his best friend (H, also a black guy) drove him because dad didn’t trust himself. They arrive at the hospital right as mum is ready to deliver.

The midwives come out to the waiting room to grab the “husband” to be there when baby is born. They knew that mum’s actual husband (D) had driven her there so assumed that he was the father of the baby.

Went and grabbed him and tried to drag him into the delivery room. He freaked out and yelled “No no, I’m not the father, I’m just the husband! The father is Aboriginal!”

Dad and H pulled up into the car park as this is happening, and dad leaps out of the car. Decides he needs to have a quick smoke to settle his nerves before he goes in. His best friend H doesn’t smoke (cigarettes but does smoke weed and is pretty stoned) so he walks in ahead.

Just then the midwives come running back to the waiting room to grab the actual father, and see the only black guy in there. Obviously him right? So they take him and suit him up to bring him down to delivery.

Being pretty stoned, H doesn’t question this and just goes along with it. The midwives reach the delivery room and shove him inside.

Mum, legs in stirrups and at the pushing stage goes absolutely ballistic. “NOT THAT BLACK GUY, HES NOT THE FATHER, GO GET THE OTHER ONE”.

The midwives hustle H out and return him to the waiting room to wait with D. A (my dad) has come inside by now and the midwives marched up to him and said something like “I hope you’re the father this time otherwise I’m going to just give up and she can birth alone.”

So that’s the story about how the hospital went through three different men before they finally got to my actual father.

11. The same dad.

Had two women give birth a few days apart on my floor.

Turns out they actually had the same baby daddy.

The father of the two newborns got both patients pregnant around the same time.

It was an interesting day for the social worker!

10. Unexpected news.

Anesthesiologist here. C-sections are typically done under spinal anesthesia, and we’re the ones at the head of the table keeping the mother calm and talking her through the procedure while the surgeons operate.

I’ve seen it more than once, but I remember one in particular when the parents were both very Caucasian, and the baby was very much not — the actual father obviously had to be very dark-skinned.

At delivery, when the not-Father saw the baby he just looked down at his wife (who was starting to cry) and calmly said, “You fucking whore” and walked out.

She started screaming for him to come back, but there wasn’t much she could do since she was, you know, still being operated on. She lost it to the point I eventually had to sedate her just a bit because she was in danger of injuring herself.

As far as I know her husband never came back to the hospital, I don’t know what happened after that.

9. Definitely a staged statement.

From my friend who was a delivery nurse for years.

The mother takes the doctor aside and makes him promise to let her know the color of the baby the instant he knows.

The baby is born and the doctor announces to mom,”Congratulations on your beautiful, healthy WHITE baby!”

The father just walked right out the room and they never found anything more out about it.

8. UTI or baby?

Had a patient who came in to ER for UTI with her boyfriend of 4 months (his words). She was 19. Acting extremely dramatic for just having UTI. We tell her we need urine. She urges us to catch her which is really unusual but she says she can’t pee so me and other nurse assume the position to put in a catheter with her lying on the gurney. At this point nurse screams, “call L&D!! She’s crowning!!”

L&D nurse gets in just in time to grab the child as it shoots out into her hands and is a living breathing baby.

The girl swears she had no idea she was pregnant. They wheel her off to postpartum and the guy is just kind of left standing there, dumbstruck.

“We only been dating 4 months. I had no idea she was pregnant. She never mentioned it at all.” As he just buried his head in his knees while he was sitting on the floor against the hallway wall.

I felt so bad for the guy.

7. This one is uncomfortable.

Ok story from a friend of my brothers. She worked as a nurse and a woman and her husband came in. They were both white, and she delivered a child that was black. The husband immediately starts saying wtf, while she is going on and on about dormant traits and everything.

He orders a DNA test. While this is going on her mother and Stepdad show up. The stepdad is black, after the testing is done, the DNA test ends up showing that the baby is the Stepdad’s.

Her husband instantly dropped her and cut ties.

Edit: In response to some comments. This didn’t happen over the course of a couple of hours. Husband hung out (albeit reluctantly) until things were conclusive.

Once testing showed it wasn’t his baby, they tested the step dad. Probably suspected something, I wasn’t there I don’t know the deeper details.

6. When you have to ask about blood grouping…

Med student. Had a mother who was A- and father was A- but baby ended up being A+. Mother was asking if it was possible for this to happen and the doctor kind of implied that it was possible (to my surprise since it’s not meant to be).

But they suggested to retest the husband’s blood group and follow up with their GP. The doctor told me after that they didn’t want to get involved and would leave it up to the GP to deal with and just hoped the husband was actually positive.

Apparently got awkward the next day (they stayed for a couple days after due to complications) when the husband was asking about blood grouping and was just strongly suggested to get retested.

I never found out what happened after but from my impression of the mother and some of the things she said I am pretty sure she cheated.

5. Affairs galore!

My wife’s best friend is a doctor who delivers babies. I’ll ask and get back to you all.

Edit: a couple of stories came in.

She delivered one baby where the father and mother were acting really awkward but he was around during labor and when it came time to push the man just walked out and left the room. Apparently the issue was they were just friends and he lived in another state with his wife and kids.

Another woman had an affair with her cousin’s husband and got pregnant, calling him her fiancé. Her own husband died during this period and it prompted her to go out and sleep with a few other one night stands.

At this point she tried to get an abortion but she was turned away because she was overweight and hypertensive making the procedure too risky. She never followed up with the Dr and gained weight to over 400 lbs. it was too late for an abortion at this point and she had been taking medication for the hypertensive thing and the medication can cause death/deformities.

When she delivered it took the entire staff to prevent her from having a stroke and the baby’s kidneys… do they work? No one knows.

Most of the stories are that the man cheated, if the mother cheats there’s no real reason to bring it up so they don’t really know. Lots of having to tell a mother who has only slept with one man that she and her baby have chlamydia. No weird stories of white babies to black parents or vice versa.

Also if my wife’s friend sees this she will know who it is. Please just don’t go through my history and judge me for my crayon colored Pokémon picture.

4. The baby is grey!

This is my granddad’s story (he was a gyno), but it’s amazing: it must have been in the 70s, when a married white couple came into the hospital with the woman in labor.

Baby is born, my grandddad is called to cut the cord, but …the baby is all grey! The nurse is in terror, and holds the baby upside down and smacks it on the buttock (as was custom to clear the airway) and is almost in tears “Doctor, the baby is only getting darker and darker, I don’t think it’s getting enough oxygen!”

My granddad, having worked in the field for a long time at that point, just started smiling, took the baby and said “I think a good bath will do just fine” and preceded to wash all the blood and fluids from birth off of the baby, reveling a healthy and half black child.

He used to tell that story all the time when I was a kid. He said the husband just stormed out and it was a huge scandal in their village. Since it was Germany in the 70s in a rural area, there weren’t that many candidates for the father either.

3. An aggressive man.

Well, somehow, I don’t know why, the husbands are almost always first aggressive towards the doctor or nurse who presents the baby. Had a case that I will always remember: my first shift on gynecology.

Late night, around 23:00, a woman comes, screaming and cursing like there’s no tomorrow. We check her, she was around 7 cms dilated (at 10, you can start the birth). We rush her to the birth room. Father is being lead into the waiting room, which is also a library for new father’s, a lot of books with informations on firstborns, etc.

Fast forward, woman gives birth, she goes into the recuperating room, husband goes to her, both awaiting eagerly for the baby to be presented. My boss, who was a sadistic mofo, hands me the baby, and tells me to go present it. Did I forget to mention that the baby was black?

Oh, and the mother was a snow white skinned redhead, and the father, well…blue eyes and blonde hair. There was absolutely no way I could justify THAT amount of Melanin… I bite the bullet, take the little lad, and head off. I enter the room, the father is standing up, he sees that the baby is black, he looks at the wife, looks at the baby, looks at my face, my face tells him “yes, there is no mistake here”.

He loses it, weirdly enough, his anger is not focused on the wife, but on me and the baby (two unlucky bastards who had nothing to do with the betrayal or any of that). The husband starts throwing newspapers and books at me and the baby, shouting “get him away, that’s a mistake” (not in a racist way or anything, the man was just in shock), and going with his back towards the wall, like a cornered animal trying to run away from a predator.

But in this case, he was just cornered by a dreadful fact, the one that he is not the father. Me and the baby manage to scape with just a bruise on my forehead (Bible’s travel faster than any other books through air). Sorry for the long post, just wanted to share this experience with you guys.

2. 10 weeks early.

I’m an OBGYN. When I was a resident, we induced a woman who stated she was 41 weeks (1 week past her due date). Her labor went surprisingly quickly and when I delivered her baby I knew immediately something was wrong – the baby was extremely tiny, clearly not a full term infant. We called the NICU team right away and after the delivery went digging deeper in her chart.

This woman had had her prenatal care elsewhere, and had claimed that her due date was always the one we had listed. It’s standard practice to confirm dating with an early ultrasound if possible, and she had had an ultrasound but her prenatal provider must not have looked at it closely.

When we finally found the original ultrasound report, it listed her as having a due date 10 weeks later than we thought…so we had just induced her at 31 weeks (6 weeks premature).

We went in to confront her and her partner is sitting there, processing this information. Turns out, he was “away” (Philly-speak for “in prison”) when the baby must have been conceived. He threw a bottle of soda across the room and had to be escorted out while we explained how the woman had put the baby in danger by getting us to deliver it early.

I think the baby did well, but it definitely had to spend several weeks in the NICU. We always confirmed dating ultrasounds or did a growth scan if there wasn’t one in the chart for future patients.

1. Yet another blood type issue.

I’m a nursery/postpartum nurse and our management basically forces us to give handoff report to the oncoming shift in the patients room. There has been a couple times where I’ve said what babies blood type is only to have been met with two very confused and angry parents.

They’re sitting there wondering how their baby is A+ when both parents are supposedly O+. It’s always very awkward. It happened to my own parents too when I was born but it turned out my dad just thought he had a different blood type his whole life smh.

I’ve also been in many deliveries where as soon as the baby comes out you can tell the dad is already questioning if it’s his. So far I’ve only seen one couple ask for a divorce before leaving the hospital! There’s never a dull moment haha.

Some of those stories are pretty intense, right? Which one completely surprised you?

Let us know in the comments!