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Sometimes, lessons in the business world need to be learned the hard way.
And you’re about to dive into a story that proves this 100%.
A man shared a very interesting story about his father that everyone should read as a cautionary tale. Let’s take a look.
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His dad sounds like an impressive guy.
And the old man was busy working on something in his spare time that sounds like it would be a very helpful invention.
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Pretty smart guy, right there.
His dad continued to work on his idea until he came up with the perfect design to solve all the locker’s problems.
He offered up his idea to his company, but they passed on it, and so he took out patents on his invention.
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And then a shake-up at the company put his father’s invention in the spotlight of some other folks there.
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Instead of handling the situation the right way, the new owners demanded that his dad turn over everything about his inventions or he’d be let go.
He refused and was eventually fired.
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His father reached out to people to try to figure out what to do next.
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And, his dad being a bright guy, he worked out a deal with a competitor that was good for him AND for them.
What a concept, right?
Photo Credit: Reddit
And it was a done deal.
And his dad got paid and got more work out of the partnership.
Photo Credit: Reddit
And his dad’s invention was immediately a huge hit.
Photo Credit: Reddit
The new company his dad made the deal with flourished, while the old company that had treated him so badly went on a downward spiral.
Photo Credit: Reddit
And it all worked out in the end.
I guess it doesn’t pay to be a total jerk in business, does it?
Photo Credit: Reddit
How about you?
Have you ever had any work experiences like this in your life?
Tell us your stories in the comments, we’d love to hear from you!