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We don’t want you to spend your precious time searching all over the place for funny tweets.
And that’s why we’re here, friends…
It’s what we do and it’s what we do best.
And we think the 12 you’re about to see really pack a punch.
Are you ready to get it on!
Okay, stop listening to me ramble and go ahead and have some laughs!
1. This is a solid life plan.
You got it all figured out, don’t you?
My dream is to sing the In Memoriam at a live awards show and then die before the song is over and have the camera pan up from my lifeless body on stage to my smiling picture on screen.
— Michelle Collins (@michcoll) September 27, 2021
2. Sir, you might have something wrong with you.
It’s time to call your doctor…
It’s crazy that toilet seats aren’t more comfortable seeing as we spend around 4-5 hours a day sitting on them
— Will Sennett (@Senn_Spud) September 26, 2021
3. That’s gonna be pretty painful for me.
Wow, I messed up a lot, huh?
When you die you see a compilation of every time you used a word wrong and the other person knew but didn’t say anything
— callie actually (@eggshellfriend) September 25, 2021
4. I think you nailed it this time.
Can’t argue with that!
the thing about academia is that no matter how “successful” you become you will always be an adult wearing a backpack
— olivia stowell (@oliviastowell) September 25, 2021
5. Boy, do I miss these guys…
They were absolutely hilarious!
Da View
— Noah Garfinkel (@NoahGarfinkel) September 25, 2021
6. Hahahaha, this is great.
Also, your friend sounds pretty awesome.
One time a writer friend of mine got too drunk and sobbed bc she said there were too many books in the world she wouldn’t have time to read, and this guy down the bar said, ladies—he isn’t worth it and my friend yelled IM CRYING ABOUT BOOKS and that shut the guy up
— Amy Silverberg (@AmySilverberg) September 24, 2021
7. This is incredibly inappropriate, don’t you think?
There are going to be children around here!!
that's right it's finally "skeleton getting sucked off by a ghost" season again
— dang laser (@youranalogbuddy) September 26, 2021
8. You never know, it might work…
Might as well give it a shot.
about that time of year where i think buying 3 tiny gourds will heal me
— Sydney Battle (@SydneyBattle) September 28, 2021
9. This always happens. Every single time.
It’s so infuriating!
"Hmm, weird, that usually works"
— Seanic the xEDGEx Hog (@seanvangorder) September 21, 2021
10. Hey, it’s really the best!
What is everyone complaining about?
being unemployed is like “hey, what if doing whatever you want all day was somehow stressful???”
— Robert Schultz (@_RobertSchultz) September 22, 2021
11. That’s gonna be the missing piece to this puzzle.
You’re gonna be at the top of your game…sooner or later.
i’m gonna be unstoppable once i figure out what my whole deal is
— cass city (@HeavenlyGrandpa) September 27, 2021
12. Eatin’ good in the neighborhood!
Most importantly, what did you order?
soo i did a thing 😃
— Patrick Doran (@lunch_enjoyer) September 26, 2021
Have you seen any hilarious tweets lately?
How about memes, jokes, or photos?
If you have, share them with us in the comments.
It’s your turn to make us laugh, people!
Let’s get this party started now!