
If you have a cat, you know the drill. They act very strangely and they do as they please at all times.

One of those strange things is the biiiiiiiiiiiiiiiig stretches they all seem to do once in a while.

You know what I’m talking about.

Let’s look at the photographic evidence.

1. Where’s the head?

Salvador Dali’s cat
byu/Larka7 incatsareliquid

2. Fits like a glove.

He can play Tetris
byu/ndf99 incatsareliquid

3. Make yourself at home.

Whatever is comfy I guess
byu/ryan4637 inWhatsWrongWithYourCat

4. Thinking about taking a dip.

Our sunbathing cat Tiny melting on the porch
byu/Auridion incatsareliquid

5. The elusive Worm Cat.

6. King of the household.

Sunset sploot with bonus crossed paws and fancy tail
byu/xvH719jft7 insploot

7. Special delivery.

When your cat arrives in the mail
by incats

8. Best friends forever.

Shadow is my beautiful grey chonk, and Zelda is the weird noodle draped over her. This picture is a couple years old, from when Zelda was an adolescent spaghetti. (I also posted this pic in r/cats but it wouldn’t let me crosspost).
byu/jenrldisarray inWhatsWrongWithYourCat

9. Maxin’ and relaxin’.

Compete liquid phase established!
byu/mrs-mort incatsareliquid

10. Wrapped around the pole.

byu/dead_marine infunny

11. Group exercises.

Every time my dad stretches, our cat likes to join
by inaww

12. Get a load of this thing!


13. Large and in charge.

PsBattle: This stretched black and white cat that’s being held upside down
byu/Pu-Chi-Mao inphotoshopbattles

14. You disturbed me.

Window Sill Sploot
byu/squiggly_wiggly_pie insploot

15. Downward facing cat.

Ok not sure what she’s trying to do here but it’s cute
byu/queerrrcat insploot

Why are cats so freaking weird?!?! But they’re also awesome, so we put up with the weirdness.

Do you have a kitty that likes to stretch and perform acrobatics?

Share some pics of them with us in the comments, please!