Rich East is a guy that knows how to live. He and his cat, Willow got tired of the daily rat-race and did something others only dream of. He quit his job, sold everything he owned and bought a camper.
Now, he and Willow travel full-time all around Australia.
Lucky for us rat-racers, he and Willow document their adventures on Instagram as vancatmeow for our envious enjoyment. They’ve been together as travelers for a few years now and embark on all kinds of adventures.
Can you imagine? Just one day deciding to quit your job and travel with your cat.
Oh, joyous freedom!
Willow is a rescue and up until a few years ago, lived with East in Hobart, Australia.
On their website, East describes Willow as cautious until she feels comfortable.
Otherwise, she is curious and loves adventure!
East fitted Willow with a tracker and chooses camping spots with her safety in mind. She is off-leash at the campsite and they’ve had zero issues with her wandering off.
Actually, she likes to nap either next to her human, a nice spot outside or in her favorite snooze-site, her carrier.
But when she’s not sleeping or hiding in the van, Willow is marveling at the beautiful world around her with East either at her side or taking photos to document their holidays.
Their travels have taken them thousands and thousands of kilometers.
Many more are planned.
That is one well-traveled cat… and human!
Try to keep up with the pair and their treks on their website,
Do it right meow!