To have and to hold, for better or for worse…
Do you remember saying these words or something similar to them when you tied the knot? And did you also imagine that a few years later you’d be fighting with your spouse about whose turn it was to empty the dishwasher THIS time?
Oh, isn’t married life just great? Sure, it is…
And here are some funny memes to really drive that point home.
1. Look at you now!
You really showed her, huh?

Photo Credit: someecards
2. What a legend!
I can’t believe no one showed up to that party.

Photo Credit: someecards
3. This is going to be a looooooong process.
What do you think will happen next?

Photo Credit: someecards
4. I wonder what the asking price is…
Let’s hope they can work this out.

Photo Credit: someecards
5. Well, that one really hurt.
Your wife is obviously having a wonderful time right now.

Photo Credit: someecards
6. Honey, don’t even look in that direction.
This is always a tricky process.

Photo Credit: someecards
7. You better be showing that ring.
You know that she demanded this…or else…

Photo Credit: someecards
8. That sounds great!
Just nod your head and say YES.

Photo Credit: someecards
9. I didn’t sign up for this.
They’re coming apart at the seams.

Photo Credit: someecards
10. You can’t help yourself.
You’re really pushing it, pal.

Photo Credit: someecards
11. I wonder why…
Could it be because she’s not allowed to leave the house?

Photo Credit: someecards
12. Keeping a precise tally.
And then, on March 15, I vacuumed for five minutes…

Photo Credit: someecards
Those funny memes sure did hit the spot…and they’re accurate, too.
Okay, all you married folks out there…we want to hear from you.
In the comments, tell us something your spouse has done lately that made you furious/hysterical/enraged/annoyed or maybe even HAPPY.
Please and thank you!