Ahhhhhh, just look at those adorable little angels that you’re raising.
They’re so perfect, they never do anything wrong, and they fill you with joy 24 hours a day, 7 days a week…
Those little angels are actually little devils and they’re currently driving you up the damn wall.
Well, we’re here to provide you with at least a little bit of relief in the form of funny posts about the ups and downs of parenting.
So ignore your kids for a few minutes and have a few laughs!
1. I told you so!
Next time you better listen up.
2. Hahaha. Very accurate.
Dads: “Oh, the kid will be fine.”
“My child fell down the stairs.”
Mommy FB groups: Why were you not watching her? Are your stairs not bubble wrapped? Are you not feeding your child organic home-grown food?DID YOU NOT DOUSE YOUR CHILD WITH ESSENTIAL OILS?!
Daddy FB groups: LMFAO
— Jessie (@mommajessiec) January 28, 2020
3. Go Go Go Go Go!
Entry eminent!

Image Credit: Cheezburger
4. A wise man once said.
You should definitely listen to this kind of old man.
If an old dude ever gives you advice while peeling an apple with a pocket knife and eating pieces right off the blade, you should probably take it.
— Simon Holland (@simoncholland) November 12, 2018
5. Oops…sorry…
Don’t say that out loud!
I took my 8-year-old to the office on Take Your Child to Work Day. As we were walking around, she starting crying & getting very cranky, so I asked her what was wrong. As my coworkers gathered round, she sobbed, 'Daddy, where are all the clowns that you said you worked with?' 🤣
— Guy Leech (@guyrleech) January 29, 2020
6. How the hell did that happen?
I thought I nailed it…
me looking at the F my kid got for the math homework i solved pic.twitter.com/a9yiDeOU3W
— Maruf (@m3aruf) January 28, 2020
7. All totally legitimate complaints.
Especially about the dog driving.
Things that made my toddler cry this week:
– I wouldn't let the dog drive him to daycare
– the bath was "too wet"
– he wanted syrup for breakfast…just syrup
– his sister "keeps looking at him"
– he wants shoes like his friend Jacob (there is no Jacob)How about your kid?
— Henpecked Hal (@HenpeckedHal) May 8, 2019
8. Eat the cat food!
That’s what it is, right?
Overheard one of my kids tell the other that “you can’t just eat the marshmallows out of the Lucky Charms, you gotta eat the cat food too”
— Ally (@TragicAllyHere) January 21, 2020
9. You must DEFEAT THE BABY.
That’s what you said, right?
10. A ticking time bomb.
Just waiting to explode.

Photo Credit: Cheezburger
11. Yeah, like that’s gonna happen…
It’s like a tidal wave just came over the side of the tub.
Keep up the good work, moms and dads!
Annnnnnd, we want you to talk to us in the comments.
Tell us the craziest or most ridiculous things that your kids have done lately that made you question sanity.
We’d love to hear from you!