Of all the disasters currently facing the planet, the disappearing bees are one of the most concerning. But Morgan Freeman is coming to the rescue – at least in his neck of the woods.
Morgan, who is now 81 years old (??? time flies), took up beekeeping as a hobby in 2014.
“There has been a frightening loss in bee colonies, particularly in this country,” he said in 2016. “To such an extent that scientists are now saying ‘This is dangerous.'”
So, he converted his ranch in Mississippi into a bee sanctuary and bought 26 bee hives from Arkansas. He planted 124 acres full of bee-attracting plants, like lavender, clover, and magnolia trees.

Photo Credit: Pixabay
Sound like paradise? It is, if you’re a bee (or probably a person, let’s be real).
Morgan feeds the bees sugar water himself. He does not wear a beekeeping suit to protect himself, but he says he’s never been stung. He and the bees have an understanding, you see. Somehow, none of this is surprising.
Most beekeepers are in it for the honey, but not Morgan. He doesn’t harvest their honey, nor does he disrupt their hives in any way. He simply wants the bees to thrive, with the goal of helping to repopulate the overall bee population.

Photo Credit: Pixabay
Morgan once called bees “the foundation of the growth of the planet.” He’s just doing his part to help.