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It’s incredible to watch what a well-trained service or police dog can accomplish. Alerting their diabetic owners when their blood sugar drops, sniffing out drugs, opening doors for people with mobility issues — the list goes on and on.
But … then there are some dogs who just don’t have a whole lot going on in their adorable little heads. Even so, while these dogs may not be the sharpest tool in the shed, they are still completely lovable — perhaps even more so because of their goofy tendencies.
One Twitter user sparked what could be the greatest Twitter thread of all time by asking one simple question:
Please tell me about your dumbest dog
— 🗿BUM CHILLUPS AKA SPENCER HALL🗿 (@edsbs) April 10, 2020
Let the games begin. People immediately started chiming in with stories, photos and videos.
Like this fluffy little guy who might just be confused about the location of the TV?
And this one who broke into his food bag and promptly got his head stuck:
And this little cutie who caused his parents to undertake some unplanned home renovations:
My dog Frank got stuck between the toilet and the wall. We had to remove the whole toilet from the floor to get him out.
— Kevin McDermott (@KevinMcD54) April 10, 2020
And then there’s this big floofer, who just wanted a little snack:
Doggy doors are downright confusing, alright?!
My friend got his dog a dog door. After taking hours to teach him how to use it, he ran in and out of it happily. Later that day they hear a loud “thud” against another door in the house. The dog thought he’d been granted the magical ability to walk through any shut door.
— Bromana Dudeulo (@GalactaPug) April 10, 2020
He was just trying to be helpful:
he means well, I think
— Drew (@ScattyLight) April 10, 2020
“Hi Mom! Whatcha doing in there?”
Well, he sure looks comfy:
The Late Great Dino. Could sleep absolutely anywhere in any position. No nap could be denied.
— Dale Nicholson (@DaleNicholson03) April 10, 2020
He’d like a little privacy, please and thank you:
What’s the goofiest thing your pet has ever done? We’d love to get a good laugh from your story!
Let us know in the comments!