
Yes, the holidays in 2020 look a lot different than in typical years, but I think we’re still gonna see and hear about a whole lot of fails in the kitchen.

People still gotta eat, ya know?

And Jimmy Fallon asked folks to share their cooking disasters on Twitter.

Here’s the tweet that got everything kicked off!

Let’s see what folks had to say!

1. Throw it against the wall.

See what sticks!

2. That’s a meatloaf?

Are you sure about that?

3. Not the best lasagna.

Nice try, though.

4. Black eggs.

Never a good thing.

5. Oh, gross!

Well, dinner is ruined.

6. That wasn’t stew…

I’m gonna be sick!

7. That must’ve been really bad.

Rejected by the garbage disposal.

8. Fire hazard.

Go ahead and get rid of that pan.

9. Not a good combo.

Clean-up on Aisle 7!

10. Big time kitchen fail.

And it was a painful one!

11. Must have been an amateur.

Just throw it in the trash.

12. Cookie problems.

Better luck next time?

13. Come on , Dad!

You know better than that!

Hey, hang in there!

You’ll get better in the kitchen…we hope.

Now we want to hear from you!

In the comments, tell us about your own cooking fails. Thanks!