All over the U.S., animal rescue workers save thousands of neglected and abused cats, dogs, and other pets every year. The process may involve confronting the humans who are supposed to be caring for these animals, which can obviously be tricky. Few pet owners want to admit that they’re doing a poor job.
Now, a rescue organization is helping to make that process a little bit easier. Rescue Ink is a non-profit organization comprised entirely of biker gang members, veterans, weightlifters, bodybuilders, and former cops. The men of Rescue Ink are intimidating — big, tattooed, and muscular. They even ride on Harleys.

Photo Credit: YouTube
But even though they look kinda mean, their mission couldn’t be sweeter: they just want to help out animals in need. They’re not afraid of any situation and are happy to get their hands dirty to help a vulnerable pet.
“Rescue Ink does whatever necessary within the means of the law — that’s what our lawyers tell us to say — to fight abuse and neglect of all kinds,” the organization says. “Some people like to think of us as superheroes. The truth is, we are super animal lovers (and protectors). Through the years, and through many caseloads, obstacles, and downright challenges, we remain strong and dedicated to our mission.”

Photo Credit: YouTube
Featured on National Geographic, Rescue Ink has helped shut down illegal dog fighting rings and put an end to stray cat killings, among other good deeds.
They’ve changed countless animals’ lives for the better, from guinea pigs to pet snakes.
Take a look at this inspiring video!
What do you think about this group? Let us know in the comments!