
I gotta say right off the bat that this is a pretty strange story.

But what else do you expect from Reddit’s “Am I the A**hole?” page?

It’s chock-full of interesting stories of family drama that leave you wanting more!

Check this one out and stick around so we can hear from you in the comments.

AITA for not wanting my brother to bring my ex wife out to dinner as a thank you?

“I’m 31m and my ex wife is 29f.

Hands down the best woman I have ever met in my life. She has such a pure heart and she is filled with nothing but good. It’s been a cold and miserable 2 years without her and Lord knows I miss her so much.

In 2018 my brother was wrongfully convicted and sentenced to 26 years in prison. His wife filed for divorce and terminated his parental rights within the first month. He lost everything. This absolutely destroyed me mentally. He protected me as a child and all the way through our teens while in foster care and I felt like I had to protect him the same way.

I spent thousands on lawyers. Checked myself in to therapy. Tried getting on meds for my depression that was severe. I barely spoke. I shut my wife out. I tried so hard to fake being happy and I couldn’t. She knew me well enough too so she knew. And I watched it slowly destroy her. One night I heard her just crying. Like sobbing, hyperventilating and it f**king killed me and I just knew I couldn’t do that to her anymore.

I told her she deserved better and walked. She refused to sign divorce papers. Said “You’re gonna get better and you’re gonna come back to me where you belong.” But we haven’t spoken since March 2021. I saw her at the grocery and it felt like I lost her all over again when she stopped hugging me.

Now by some miracle all evidence was reviewed 4 months ago and they found my brother innocent of all charges last week. I picked him up 3 days ago from prison. One of the best f**king days of my life. So my mom texts me an address and tells me to bring my brother there.

When we arrive to this cabin mom hands my brother the keys and says “Mel built this for you”. Mel is my wife. Apparently she started the project a year and a half ago, after our separation. She left a note to me saying “I knew you could do it, Love M”. My brother starts saying he wants to bring her out on a date to thank her and I just lost it a little.

Told him I was not comfortable with that. He argued that I let her go and had no right to be a possessive AH. Ma says that Mel dropped the keys and the note off the morning I picked up my brother.


Yowza! Now check out what Reddit users had to say about this.

This reader said that it sounds like this guy’s ex-wife still wants this whole thing to work out.

Photo Credit: Reddit

And another individual said he needs to try to make this marriage work again.

Photo Credit: Reddit

Another Reddit user had some really good advice for the guy who wrote this post.

Photo Credit: Reddit

What do you think?

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