When you’re deciding on a restaurant, you may consider several factors. The quality of the food and the cost are important, of course. You may also look for a restaurant that’s not too crowded or one that has a zillion microbrews on tap, or whatever you’re feeling. But regardless of what tickles your specific fancy, there are some restaurants you just know you should avoid.
Twitter users revealed their #signsofabadrestaurant, and the results are awesome:
10. Mmmm … hot dogs … wait …

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9. Ewwww …

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8. At least they’re free?

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7. Not cool, man

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6. Call the cops

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5. They just don’t cook evenly

Photo Credit: Twitter
4. Maybe it’s some sort of fusion cuisine?

Photo Credit: Twitter
3. At least you were warned

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2. Not worth the price

Photo Credit: Twitter
1. One-stop shopping

Photo Credit: Twitter
Now you know, so you can stay away!