The world is scary…and there’s no doubt about that.
It’s filled with dangers around every single corner…so you have to keep your eyes open.
The more you know, right?
People on AskReddit shared scary facts that should creep all of us out.
Let’s get weird!
1. Scary stuff.
“After being exposed to lead, your body absorbs it and stores it in your bones in place of calcium, which is undetectable by blood tests, making it harder to determine your lead-levels.
It’s not until you get older and your bones start to demineralise that the lead goes back into your bloodstream and you suffer from sudden lead poisoning.”
2. Think about it…
“People with antisocial personality disorder (aka sociopaths) do not always become violent k**lers.
In fact, there’s a large percentage of them that end up becoming surgeons, CEOs, police officers, media personalities, and journalists.”
3. Depressing.
“Whales don’t d** of of old age.
They d** because they don’t have the strength to pull themselves to the surface anymore.”
4. Nature!
“Crows are currently experiencing their Stone Age, but we will never see cool modern crows because we will be long gone before they reach the next stage.”
5. Never forget.
“On 9/11, firefighters had to hide in the rubble for the rescue dogs to find because they kept getting depressed that they couldn’t find anyone alive.”
6. Awful.
“The Catholic church has spent more money than anyone else lobbying to keep current restrictions in place on the statute of limitations.”
7. This is the end.
“The world will end and there is nothing anyone can do about it.
When I say “end” I literally mean the Earth will cease to exist. It’ll take a very long time, like another billion years or so, but eventually the sun will swallow the planet and erase all evidence that life existed if it doesn’t still exist. That means every work of literature and art, every monument and statue, every building and historical sites, etc.
Everything any human has ever or will ever do, make, or say will one day be wiped from existence. Our entire history as a species will just be gone. The oldest cave painting, every exploit any war hero endured and the reasons for it, the rise and fall of nations, our first steps on the moon, the internet, your lineage. All of it will be gone.
It might as well happen the second you die because you won’t be around for it (assuming anyone will be). Looking at it that way it’ll happen at the end of your life. 20 years from now? Maybe 50? Tomorrow even. It’ll all just be…gone.”
8. Totally average.
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“A whale’s d**k is about 10 feet long and 12 inches wide when erect
Thats about 3 meters long and 30 cm wide
And that is just on average.”
9. Yikes.
“Baton Rouge has a higher Rate of HIV transmission than any country in Africa.”
10. Nukes.
“A bomber accidentally dropped two nukes on North Carolina.
One of them was found with only one safety left intact, keeping it from detonating. The other one buried itself 200 feet deep underground when it’s parachute failed to deploy, causing it to break apart. Most of the parts of this thermonuclear bomb were recovered.
Most is the key word here. There are still parts of a thermonuclear bomb buried somewhere near Goldsboro, NC.”
11. Whoops.
“Most of your memories are wrong and only semi true.
Every year they become more muddled as well.”
12. Let’s hope not.
“A gamma Ray burst from space could hit us at anytime and we have no way of detecting them before it happens, we’ll all just d** instantly.”
13. Wild.
“Only about 1 in 10 cells in your body are genetically human.
It’s not your body.
There are so many microorganisms living in and on your body that they vastly outnumber you. You are not mostly human. Largely bacteria. Gross right?
Hell no, it’s awesome. I am a walking ecosystem. Trillions of lives depend on me to survive. Trillions. I am their home, their planet; I could harm or help them on a whim. In turn they can k**l me right back. Some may leave for other planets but most will live their entire existence with me. We are the People of Me.
And that’s why it’s cool I didn’t shower today.”
14. Oh, great.
“You’re more likely to survive being s**t in the head than if you get rabies.
For real.”
15. Awful.
“About 50 kids in the US are backed over by cars every week.
My husband’s 7 year old cousin was backed over. He was playing around behind his dad as he was trying to back in a trailer. He slipped off the trailer and his dad ran him over.
They were able to donate a lot of organs. Including eyes, skin, liver, kidneys, heart.
The father and mother only made it one more year if that in their marriage. They are divorced now and major al**holics. They had 3 older kids too. It was a horrid horrid thing.”
16. Scary.
“Australia has the highest skin cancer rate in the world.
An average Australian is four times likely to get skin cancer than any other type of cancer, and two-thirds of Australians will probably get it by the age of seventy.”
17. Wow.
“At any time, your body could make a mistake while fighting an infection/virus and register a vital type of cell as unwanted for the rest of your life.
Source: I never have enough platelets anymore.”
18. Take that!
“During the bubonic plague the Mongolians launched infected d**d bodies over the walls of different civilizations.”
19. Bet you didn’t know that…
“Shiro Ishii, director of Unit 731 who t**tured, experimented on and m**dered 600,000 innocent civilians was paid the equivalent of $3 million dollars (adjusted for inflation) by the US Government for his research papers and granted him complete immunity.”
20. Good lord.
“Diarrhea k**ls 2,195 children every day—more than AIDS, malaria, and measles combined.”
21. Ahhhhh!
“Some tumors grow teeth and hair.
I had one. It was 10lbs…. had sweat glands, 5 teeth, hair, half a spinal chord and muscles. Grew in 6 months on my ovary…… and right before I got married.
Not fun. Don’t recommend.”
22. FYI.
“Movies don’t portray drowning people very accurately. This has led to a common misconception of what a drowning person actually looks like.
Since a lot of people don’t really know what to look for, a large number of tragic incidences of children drowning while swimming occurred with the child’s parents right there… close by… near enough to save them… if only they had realized before it was too late.”
23. Frightening.
“There are 8 American warheads unaccounted for, and a number of former Soviet nuclear devices missing ranging from warheads to suitcase bombs.”
24. Horrific.
“The chainsaw was originally invented to aid in childbirth for cutting through the pelvic bone.
No, I’m not kidding.”
25. What a time to be alive.
“Let’s talk about medieval t**ture facts. There’s one form of t**ture where they would tear your tongue out by slowly twisting it.
Another, having bamboo grow through your body.
Stuffing you into a bronze bull statue and then lighting a fire under it. You were slowly cooked alive in the worst way possible.
Another, similarly, you were cooked from the inside out. The way one would accomplish this was by pouring molten lead down your throat and stuffing you with straw.
Another, one would have a small hole in their stomach cut open, and pull out one end of your intestine and tie it to a stake. You were then put on a cot and carried around the stake in circles while your intestines slowly unraveled.
That’s all for today, folks.”
26. What is going on in Australia?
“There’s a wasp in Australia that hunts spiders.
It doesn’t eat them, though. It paralyses them, makes a little mud cocoon for each one, and before sealing it off, lays a single egg on the now trapped spider.
The egg hatches, the larva eats the still alive (and still paralysed) spider, and then breaks out of the cocoon as a wasp.”
What scary facts do you know?
Tell us what you think in the comments.
Thanks a lot!