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There is a lot of evil out there in the world.
It’s sad, but true…
But hopefully, most of us can avoid pure evil…unlike these folks on AskReddit who shared their terrifying stories.
Take a look…
1. Jesus…
“I was a s** worker in NYC.
He wanted me to to**ure babies with him, said he was sick of having to go to China to do it. He really wanted to t**ture them, not just m**est them. I was really scared but he didn’t hurt me. I obviously couldn’t continue the appt, I got him to leave after he turned on cartoons and made a bizarre phone call.
After he left I called the cops on him. It didn’t matter that I was a p**stitute, it wasn’t like I was going to get in trouble for it. It was hard for me to get the right precinct and the cops wouldn’t listen to me.
They thought I was trying to report a crime happening to me. I finally just blurted out the details of what he wanted to do and they took me really seriously and transferred me one last time and someone took the report.
All I had was his phone number and description to give them but they seemed serious about it. I offered to set him up for them but they said that wouldn’t be necessary and they would handle it from here. It was the worst encounter of my life and I will never forget it no matter how much I would like to.”
2. Inhuman.
“I went to high school with a girl who married a 37-year old during her senior year, and was 8 months pregnant at graduation.
She later made the news when she was tried and sentenced for holding down her infant granddaughter while her husband inflicted further a**se. The judge said she was the most inhuman defendant he’d ever had in the courtroom.
This is only exceeded by the time I spent working in a residential facility for developmentally disabled convicted s** offenders. The lawmakers who determined that child m**esters must be housed in close proximity to families, playgrounds, and schools need to take a look at the therapist notes from these facilities.”
3. Never want to see him again.
“My oldest brother, he treated my mother like pure s**t.
My mother honestly is was one of the most devoted people on the planet. To the point that it’s frustrating. I can’t really explain ALL the things she sacrificed for me and my brother but the list is bloody long. Really long.
For 10 years my oldest brother treated her like a second class citizen. Even after she survived breast cancer, he (a few months after she finished her chemo) criticised her when she was resting on the couch one evening and said ‘you’re using breast cancer as an excuse to not do house work’…this was from a person who never washed up, did his own washing or even vacuumed.
Outside the house however, he’s be the nicest person to anyone that wasn’t his family. He a**aulted my brother over a laundry dispute (literally) he did s**t to me I don’t even want to mention on this sub. It took 10 years of this kind of torment before my mother finally kicked him out.
He started building bridges again a year or so after and things seemed ok, and even offered him a job in her home and wanted to pay his normal rate and not ‘mates rates’…and he did complete the job, but then he doubled the bill without telling her, insisted she wasted her life with the career she chose (which she picked to give birth to him and my other brother) and he also sabotaged her house phone just because he thought it was funny
He’s an evil piece of s**t and I never want to see him ever again.”
4. My friend.
“April was my friend.
Her babysitter, Bill, k**led her and was a serial k**ler.
When she was reported missing he was who came to our trailer asking after her, and the cops cleared him right away and then he walked with me, my father, and the Riverside County Sheriff.”
5. Sick.
“Didn’t see it happen, but when I was young, maybe 7 or so in the 1960s, I walked past a burned out house 3 doors down from mine.
I learned a black family had the “nerve” to move in, so they were “burned out.”
Even at such a young age I knew that was sick.”
6. Hard time.
“In 2012 I was in prison. I was in at 18 for auto theft.
Just a dumb homeless kid who needed money. I was in an open dorm type prison block. My bunk was next to the bathroom. This man had recently been rumored to have ripped off a gang on a drug deal. One day I was chilling on my bunk and seen this man being carried into the bathroom by 4 men.
He was kicking and screaming no, please no! After they got him in the bathroom one of the men went to the corner next to the bathroom where the brooms were. He grabbed a broom and after bringing it into the bathroom. I witnessed them shoving the broom stick up the mans rear end. The agony in this mans eyes, and voice. After the goon squad came through and cleared the situation, I never seen him again.
I also witnessed a man be beaten to d**th with padlocks in tube socks. I dont know why they did it. But I kept walking. Do not associate with gangs my friends.”
7. Wow.
“I saw an adult woman try to drown her daughter.
The mom and her two sons kept dunking her and holding her under saying “drown b**ch drown.” They took off her top and threw it so she couldn’t get out of the water. She was crying, probably about 14 years old. I was around 10.
I walked by the family later and she wouldn’t talk to them and I heard one brother say “you’re still mad, you need to get over it.” I think about it all the time, what kind of s**t did this poor girl have to deal with on a regular basis, what could she have done to trigger all of that?
This was the mid 90s, I still think about her. I hope she is alive, well and away from her terrible family.”
8. Awful.
“The James Bulger m**der in Britain.
There was an article about it in a lady’s magazine my mom had. The magazine was in the bathroom and I read it as a kid while on the toilet. I remember it clearly because it was the first time it occurred to me that sometimes people did bad things because they wanted to, not just because they thought they needed to.
Recently both of the perpetrators who were juveniles at the time have been released from prison with new identities. This story is HORRIFIC and I honestly would not read it if you are a mother of a small child.”
9. Mother.
“My mother.
She feeds off misery.
She used to tell me that my brother stole my teddy bear, and told my bro that I stole his. We’d fall asleep crying and screaming at each other.
When in reality, she stole them both.
She just liked watching us cry.”
10. Prison.
“Women’s prison.
A young girl (20 something) walked into the cafeteria. Immediately the hair on my neck stood up. Turns out she k**led her 3 yo Down’s son, put him in a car seat and then into the trunk.
She proceeded to drive around with him back there while she partied and continued collecting his checks. Eventually her 8 yo daughter gave up her mom’s “secret”.”
11. Thanks, Mom.
“My mom dated a psychopath when I and my siblings were little.
My baby brother was still crawling, and when he wouldn’t stop crying Denny put him on the roof of our duplex, accessible by a window. Where my brother then proceeded to fall off.
He was ok, some how zero physical injury.
My dog and cat didn’t get out so easy.
In the end he tried to k**l us all by sabotaging the furnace to fill the house with fumes.
And get this, the entire time my idiot mother explaining it all away, claiming the house was haunted. I didnt realize all the awful things that happened in that house were the results of a psychopath until adulthood.
Being absolutely certain that ghosts k**led your animals, put your little brother on the roof and tried to k**l us all in our sleep…. does a number to a kid.
I had night terrors from then well into my 20s.
Anyway, this is another “thanks mom” story.”
12. Proud of it.
“I want to preface this with the warning that this is obviously a huge, huge outlier and that’s exactly why it’s so horrible.
But I was once at a concert (pre-COVID) where obviously people just sorta push their way to the front. This girl and her group get near the front but there’s a couple in front of them.
The girl tries to push her way in front of them but they’re literally leaning on the crowd divider between the crowd and the stage so there’s really no way to squeeze in front of them. So the girl starts screaming at the guy to give her some space or she’ll make him.
The guy’s partner tries to calm things down and squeeze the two of them together a bit, but clearly not enough to create a whole extra space for this girl and her group.
So the girl starts screaming bloody m**der calling for the security guards that are patrolling behind the crowd divider and the stage, telling them that the guy tried to stick his hands up her skirt. The couple called bulls**t. A couple of us standing nearby called bulls**t. But the security guards still kicked the guy (and his partner) out.
And the speed with which the girl went from crying to giddily taking their spot, not just okay but clearly proud of what she’d done.
13. Scary.
“My ex neighbour. He wasn’t drugged out or anything.
Someone owed him $20 so he decided to beat him to d**th with a tomahawk. Even the police had trouble identifying the body.
Also while he was on trial for that he st**bed another inmate in the eye with a pen.”
14. Buffalo.
“I saw a man beating what was apparently his 3 year old grandaughter with basically a tree branch.
He was an elderly guy, had to have been 70 or so. This was in the middle of the city, god knows where he even got that thing. This was in Buffalo, New York. Immediately got involved, and I and some bystanders got the cops and they carted the guy away.
He was going on and on about how many times he’d been arrested before, almost bragging. The girl had such sadness in her eyes that it never left me, and when I approached the guy to make him stop, the little girl actually ran up to him and was hugging his leg.
She must have been so used to a**se at that point that she didn’t recognize how evil this person was.. the look in her eyes was heartbreaking. I had gone to that city alone randomly to check it out and see what it had to offer, and that was the FIRST THING I saw upon leaving my car.
It broke me and I just spent the whole night at the hotel, then just randomly walking the streets.”
15. Creep.
“Seeing my friend’s dad leering at us.
He was later convicted of r**ing her, he’d been doing it since she was 5.”
16. Lack of emotion.
“When I was a teenager I used to volunteer in the preschool at church. One week I was helping with the 2- year-olds.
We had a new girl come in. Tiny and adorable. By the end of Sunday school class all the other kids were terrified of her. With absolutely no expression on her face, and totally silent, she had attempted to strangle a little boy, bit another hard enough to draw blood, smacked a girl across the face, poured her drink out on another, and pinched and kicked me and the other volunteer repeatedly.
Not to mention dumping her snack on the floor while staring me in the eye, throwing toys in the garbage, and attempting to pull the microwave off the counter. I’ve dealt with difficult children before, but her totally lack of emotion was very unnerving.”
17. This is awful.
“When I worked in a convenience store, I served an elderly lady who had a lot of shopping.
She had two heavy bags full of food. I packed her bags for her and a colleague of mine offered to help her take them to her car when she said she didn’t have a car and was going home by bus. Then a woman who was standing nearby asked her which bus she was getting, said she was going the same way and offered to carry her shopping to the bus stop.
The elderly lady was happy with this arrangement, thanked the woman profusely and handed her shopping over. They both left the store together, then the woman broke into a run and took off with both bags of food, jumping onto a nearby bus and then laughing & giving the finger to the elderly woman stranded on the pavement as the bus drove away.
I have to wonder about the soul of those who willingly take advantage of vulnerable people!”
18. Still a mystery.
“This only hit me after the fact.
In my teens, one of the guys who was at all the parties was this dude Kyle. He was honestly a great dude. He’d be there to clean stuff up the day after, he’d walk you to the bathroom and hold your hair while you vommed , solid guy.
One morning, I get a call from my friend Kelsey, she said “turn on the f**king news!”
There was Kyle. He had beaten a kid to d**th with a chain, stole his bank cards and car, and drove around with the kids body in the trunk for a week before being caught.
He was facing the d**th penalty, but the kids parents asked for him to get life in prison, no parole instead, which is what he got.
He is still a mystery to me. He never once seemed evil to me, but he went and did soMe ghastly s**t nobody expected from him.”
19. May they burn in Hell.
“I did a stint in the army in Kosovo in 1999. Where we were based were tons of stray dogs and cats.
Some fellow soldiers were finding it fun to throw a puppy out of the top floor window and then proceeded to throw a kitten down a very deep drain and laugh as it meowed.
I was literally screaming at them to get it out but they found this even more funny. The look on one guys face was just pure evil as if he lived for their/my misery.”
20. Terrifying.
“I was probably the last person (non family member) who talked to my coworker the night before he bludgeoned, disemboweled, beheaded his wife and daughter.
He also attempted to do this to his son, but the son caught a glancing blow to the head, and was so bloody he slipped away. My coworker also attempted his own life, but knives hurt.
I think he got 90+ years.”
21. The chills.
“At a gas station one time, I crossed paths with the ex-spouse of a serial k**ler and r**ist.
The ex-wife managed to get a plea deal despite being implicated in the torture and m**der of her own sister.
The pure evil I saw in that woman’s face in the split second when I recognized her still chills me almost 5 years later.”
22. Manipulator.
“This is a few weeks after splitting with my wife and i received a call from her phone with my 4 year old daughter bawling her eyes out saying Daddy why dont you love us any more? (She included my younger son).
I got through that call as best I could despite the shock i was in from recieving it. A few weeks later when i picked my daughter and son up from their mums house I asked my daughter why she said that and her response was that i hadn’t pick them up when i should have done and mummy had told them that i didnt love them any more.
Apparently, the mum had told them i was picking them up on a certain day and had got them ready, with coats and shoes on etc, but i clearly hadn’t arrived. I cant imagine the amount of stress that the children must have felt as time passed by and i didnt arrive.
Manipulating innocent children is EVIL!”
23. Ouch.
“My sister kicked one of our other sisters in the crotch a few days after she’d had surgery on her abdomen, which resulted in the removal of one of her Fallopian tubes and an ovary (her surgery, not the kick).
Worst part is she did this in front of our dad, who kind of told her off. How did she reply? “It is what it is.” For further clarification, the ages of the two sisters were 25 (the kicker) and 18.”
24. Fred.
“I drove a medical transport vehicle for a year in college and one of the patients was a former Hell’s Angels enforcer named Fred. None of the other drivers liked driving Fred, but I was new so my boss gave me the routes.
By the 4th trip, I understood why no one likes driving him. He was too old, feeble and in poor health to carry out any v**lence, so instead he talked about all the v**lence he committed during his “glory days.”
I am absolutely certain that Fred has forgotten 90% of the places where he hid the bodies, but that still left him with scores to talk about. He would always preface it with, “Hypothetically, if I did have a guy that needed getting rid of…” followed by:
I would look for a construction site
I would go to the swamp in LA
I would get some cinder blocks, an ice pick and wire
I would talk to my buddy at the dump
I would head down to the car crusher lot and look for a [specific make/model] that I could easily pop the trunk lock on
Jesus f**k, Fred had a lot of ways to dispose of bodies. He never described how he m**dered the people in detail, but he’d drop hints so your imagination filled in the rest. Fred is the reason why I h**e the t**ture p**n horror genre. It’s not fictional when you’ve spent months driving the antagonist of those movies who lived a long, punishment-free life around to his dialysis appointments.”
Have you ever witnessed pure evil?
If so, tell us your story in the comments.
Thanks a lot!