Hey, ladies!
Let’s get funny!
Are you in the mood for laughter?
Well, these ladies came through with flying colors!
Let’s take a look!
1. You heard me!
Uh oh…
80% of marriage is repeating yourself.
— Jessie (@mommajessiec) July 2, 2020
2. Time for a refill.
Don’t question me!
Husband, “I’m going to the store, do you need anything?”
Me, “A bottle of champagne.”
Husband, “Oh, I got you one yesterday.”
Me, “I said what I said.”— Lady Lawya (@Parkerlawyer) November 5, 2020
3. Not funny!
You showed him.
I did an impersonation of my husband and we laughed and laughed and then he did an impersonation of me and we laughed and laughed and he slept on the couch.
— Jessie (@mommajessiec) November 9, 2020
4. Now it’s over.
He should have known better.
My husband brought home unfrosted Pop-Tarts and now I have to file for divorce. We had a good run.
— Jawbreaker (@sixfootcandy) July 13, 2020
5. That’s HOT.
Or not…
Sent my husband nudes and he asked me which mole I was worried about.
— Laura Marie (@lmegordon) July 23, 2020
6. That would drive me nuts.
Turn that thing off!
Me and my husband have been married for over 11yrs. I know it’s true love because starting at 5am his alarm goes off like 4 times every single day, and he’s still alive.
— Marcy G (@BunAndLeggings) July 25, 2020
7. There’s a system here.
Believe it or not…
My husband thinks he can just add random items to my junk drawer and I’m like HELLO THERE IS AN APPROVAL PROCESS
— SpacedMom (@copymama) March 31, 2021
8. Keep him on his toes.
I’m sure he loves that.
When I feel like my husband seems to relaxed, I’ll just start a sentence with “y’know, I’ve been thinking…”
— Arianna Bradford (@thearibradford) October 27, 2020
9. Sounds like a nightmare.
No more!
I don’t do escape rooms. If I wanted to feel trapped and confused for an hour, I’d ask my husband to explain how Bitcoin works.
— Jessie (@mommajessiec) September 10, 2021
10. What a dumb question.
He should have known better.
My husband asked me what I need at Target… Target will tell me what I need thanks
— Mom Jeans (@momjeansplease) September 28, 2021
Have you seen any funny marriage tweets lately?
Share some good ones with us in the comments.
Please and thank you!