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If you spend enough time around kids, you’re gonna hear some funny stuff…
Because those kiddos are always calling all kinds of things by the wrong things and it’s a real hoot!
Enjoy these tweets and let us know if your kids do the same thing.
1. Hoppin’ away.
This is cute.
Our toddler calls baby grasshoppers “hop-aways” because that’s what they do when she tries to catch them.
— Stu Donovan (@StuartBDonovan) November 28, 2021
2. Bat cheese.
Now I get it!
4 year old: Daddy do you have any bat cheese?
Me: Bat cheese?
4: Yes
Me: Bat. Cheese?
4: Yes. Bat cheese.
Me: Why are you asking for… bat cheese?
4: For my car
Me: Ahhhh batteries. You need batteries!
4: Yes bat cheese! ?
— ThreeTimeDaddy (@threetimedaddy) February 12, 2022
3. Don’t correct her.
Don’t even think about it…
My daughter calls her boots “Bloodstones” and she will NOT BE CORRECTED.
— Christina Evans (@cakevans) November 13, 2021
4. Let’s all use it!
You gotta love this one!
There has been a crew of roofers working at our house for a few days, and my 6yo refers to them as the “builder mans,” and now I shall hereinafter refer to any handy person as a Builder Man going forward.
— Goldfish and Chicken Nuggets (@gfishandnuggets) September 30, 2021
5. Don’t eat that!
You know she does.
my toddler calls peppermint chapstick the spicy makeup and I think that’s the funniest thing ever ??
— Sami ? (@SamHarveyyyy) February 12, 2022
6. Great description.
Hey, it works.
Our toddler calls cranberries “spicy blueberries” and— honestly? Great description for our fam’s food habits.
— Fe-male/iron-man (@reschetology) November 27, 2021
7. Uh oh.
Be careful with that one.
My toddler calls my boobs ‘boo boos’ which was fine until she told a complete stranger that ‘mummy has a boo boo’ and they asked if it needed kissing better
— Lottie-pop ? (@Lottie_Poppie) November 8, 2021
8. Are those records?
Not quite…
You know you’re a millennial mom when your toddler calls dvds “records” the first time he sees them. ??♀️
— Marcilyn Gibby, MSc. (@marcilynrebecca) November 12, 2021
9. Why not?
Whatever works.
My almost-2 year old son calls every animal a ‘meow.’
— Helen Hensell (@hhensell) January 24, 2022
10. They need a new marketing campaign.
Do it now!
Toddler calls m&ms emma emmas and I’m not fixing it
— Rees (@PiecesofRees) January 9, 2022
What funny names do your kids call things?
Talk to us in the comments and let us know.
Thanks a lot!