I grew up in the Midwest. Kinda right in the heart of it, arguably.
I come from Kansas City, specifically. But not Kansas City, Kansas – Kansas City, Missouri. Which is connected to “KCK” but is actually larger and generally nicer than its appropriately named counterpart, which is extremely counter-intuitive and very confusing to describe to people, and in that way it sums up the midwestern experience more or less perfectly.
Because us midwesterners have a certain way about us that’s hard to put your finger on – unless you’re this particular Twitter account. Then you kinda nail it.
10. The second fridge
When I was a kid this seemed normal, now it kinda feels like a big luxury.
It’s like a second fridge that we keep in the garage or basement and we only use it for beer, freezing meat or soup and is typically a hand me down from an older relative pic.twitter.com/p9Ha2GrI8o
— Midwest vs. Everybody (@midwestern_ope) February 2, 2021
9. The eternal greeting
I guess I could just text them, but, nah.
“When covid is over” is starting to sound a whole lot like “tell your folks I say hi”
— Midwest vs. Everybody (@midwestern_ope) January 27, 2021
8. The potholes
Ever ruined your car’s entire suspension just turning around a cul-de-sac?
Midwest potholes are so traumatic that people swerve at shadows on the road
— Midwest vs. Everybody (@midwestern_ope) January 3, 2021
7. Hodor
Sometimes it’s just kind of a contest to see who can rack up the highest score.
Me after holding the door for 15 strangers at the store pic.twitter.com/PczPMcAg33
— Midwest vs. Everybody (@midwestern_ope) December 4, 2020
6. The windshield rule
At least you remembered to pop out your wipers, good on ya.
Midwesterners just get in and drive because enough of the windshield and is clear https://t.co/Ylip3uDmyr
— Midwest vs. Everybody (@midwestern_ope) February 3, 2021
5. The cookouts
Nobody’s sure what the last thing is called but they all love it.
The Midwest cookout starter pack pic.twitter.com/Hc0wkVI9ea
— Midwest vs. Everybody (@midwestern_ope) January 18, 2021
4. The snow
This really isn’t an exaggeration.
*3 inches of snow*
The South: all activities are cancelled for the next week, drive like you’re taking grandma to church, this could be the end folks!
The Midwest: hold on grandma I’m drifting this next turn!
— Midwest vs. Everybody (@midwestern_ope) January 15, 2021
3. The ranch
It just goes on everything. That’s the law.
Congress announced the next round of stimulus will likely be a giant bottle of ranch and midwesterners are ecstatic pic.twitter.com/VRUuPrT4yH
— Midwest vs. Everybody (@midwestern_ope) December 17, 2020
2. The words of encouragement
Take care now.
Midwesterners: you bet, take care, have a good one
— Midwest vs. Everybody (@midwestern_ope) January 13, 2021
1. The ope nope
Rt If you read this as “Ope Nope” because your Midwest roots over power logic pic.twitter.com/ONaCMaL3wY
— Midwest vs. Everybody (@midwestern_ope) August 4, 2020
I’d say that’s a pretty good window into the midwestern experience. Now if you’ll excuse me, I’m just gonna squeeze right past ya there.
What’s the most midwestern thing you’ve ever done?
Tell us in the comments.