
Hey, ladies!

Let’s get funny!

Are you in the mood for laughter?

Well, these ladies came through with flying colors!

Let’s take a look!

1. You heard me!

Uh oh…

2. Time for a refill.

Don’t question me!

3. Not funny!

You showed him.

4. Now it’s over.

He should have known better.

5. That’s HOT.

Or not…

6. That would drive me nuts.

Turn that thing off!

7. There’s a system here.

Believe it or not…

8. Keep him on his toes.

I’m sure he loves that.

9. Sounds like a nightmare.

No more!

10. What a dumb question.

He should have known better.

Have you seen any funny marriage tweets lately?

Share some good ones with us in the comments.

Please and thank you!