You know a gift must be pretty bad if someone THROWS IT OUT OF THE HOUSE.
But that’s what we’re dealing with here, people…
Read on to see what happened in this story from Reddit’s “Am I the A**hole?” page…
AITA for throwing my stepson’s Father’s Day gift out of my house?
“Let me preface this by saying that I (38M) struggled with alcoholism for 3 years. It was the most difficult period of my life. I’m now 3 years sober and doing so much better with my life.
I got married to my wife last year and have a stepson (16M) ‘Jake’. Jake and I aren’t really close but we have a cordial relationship, his dad’s in the picture so it’s pretty clear that he never sees me as a dad.
Jake has done a number of things in the past that caused us to fight like getting into trouble and making me pay for damages, Or damaging my own things and having me pay for them. He also constantly mocks my sobriety every chance he gets. Some issues got worked out with time but the “mocking” is pretty much still there. I told him, told my wife how this makes me feel but got nowhere.
Father’s day comes and my wife’s family came over to celebrate with us. We had dinner and then Jake surprised me with a gift saying it was for me for Father’s day which I thought was sweet (completely out of character for him to get me anything).
However, from the way he was smug smiling I just didn’t feel comfortable. Anyway…I opened it and behold…there was a flask and a glass…….frankly? I felt like he just made fun of, or mocked one of the biggest, most difficult struggles in my entire life. I froze…I didn’t know what to say or how to act since everyone was literally watching me. Jake was giggling hard and that’s when I got pi**ed.
I put everything back, then grabbed the box and told him “this doesn’t belong in my house” then I opened the door, walked up to the trash can and threw the entire thing in there. My wife, her mom and my stepson were at the door watching. Jake went downstairs and my wife started arguing with me about what I did, we got into an argument that’s when her parents left.
My wife got more upset saying how I reacted was childish and that Jake was just “teasing” me and I should loosen up and stop being dramatic. I refused to get engaged any further and now there’s just so much tension in the house and silence from my in-laws.
AITA for how I handled it?”
Here’s what Reddit users had to say about this.
This person said he’s NTA and that he wasn’t being dramatic.

Photo Credit: Reddit
Another Reddit user said this wasn’t teasing, it was TEMPTING.

Photo Credit: Reddit
And this reader agreed and said the stepson was old enough to know what he was doing.

Photo Credit: Reddit
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