
Folks, you’re about to read a story from Reddit’s “Am I the A**hole?” page about a marriage proposal that went OFF THE RAILS.

And now the guy who proposed wants to know if he was out of line for how he chose to pop the question.

Was he an a**hole?

Read his story below and let us know what you think in the comments!

AITA for getting my fiancee a ring on a chain?

“I(29m) wanted to propose to my gf(28f).

She’s a nurse, so she can’t wear rings at work. I wanted to give her something that she could keep with her all the time. I work as a graphic designer, so I designed a ring and a chain that I thought she would really l like.

The ring is in a style she’s worn before and likes, with a diamond, as well as opals, which are her favourite. The chain is fairly small and sturdy, and made of a stainless steel core with alternating gold and silver links over top, so it’s stronger.

The clasp for the chain is invisible, and the ring can be clipped on and off of the ring without having to take the chain off. I made it so that she could turn it and hide the clip so she could wear the chain separately from the ring as well.

I thought it was really cool, and I proposed on Sunday at the park after mothers day. There was no one else around to see it. She was initially excited when she saw it and immediately said yes.

However, when she pulled it out and saw the chain attached, she accused me of trying to prank her, and wouldn’t hear a word in edgewise.

She was yelling at me and crying, and I felt horrible. I tried to explain, and she shut me down and went back to her mother’s. Now she won’t talk to me and I don’t know what to do.


Now let’s see what folks said about this on Reddit.

One person said he’s NTA and what he did was very thoughtful.

Photo Credit: Reddit

Another reader said she might just need time to calm down.

Photo Credit: Reddit

And this person said he’s NTA and they have a theory about what might have happened.

Photo Credit: Reddit

What do you think about this story?

Let us know in the comments.

Thanks in advance!