We’ve all been guilty of wishing time would pass more quickly than it does.
And yet somehow, at the end of every week, I’m always both surprised it’s finally the weekend, and unsure how it got here so quickly.
One mother recently went viral for publishing her unsigned poem on the topic, specifically as it relates to motherhood, and how quickly children seem to grow up.
The poem, originally published on BelleBebes really struck a chord with parents everywhere.
The poem begins by evoking the universal exhaustion of new-parenthood.
Then the writer adds a warning about how fleeting babyhood actually is, in the grand scheme of time marching.
For the record I just want to say, I will never not reach for my dad’s hand when walking together, so fear not, parents.
The poem continues with a litany of other “last times” — but if you’re feeling morose, just remember, for every last time, there’s another new “first time” too.
The poet ends with a warning to cherish every moment.
It’s true that kids grow up quickly.
But the same urgency could be applied to any aspect of life.
Time passes, that is the nature of time.
Last year we longed for the days when we could go out, but we rediscovered the simple pleasures of staying home.
Now we are beginning to emerge. And some of us are realizing we didn’t mind staying in.
My dad always said, “Don’t wish your life away,” and the same is true for those childhood tantrums.
Hold your kids close. Cherish every moment.
What do you think of her poem? Share your thoughts in the comments.