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You know that Judd Apatow movie This is 40? I mean do you know of it. I assume you haven’t seen it. I don’t think anybody I know has seen it. And that’s not a knock on Apatow, he makes good stuff. It’s just that it’s over 2 hours long and all the ads were Paul Rudd on the toilet so it wasn’t really a smash hit.
So, since we never found out from that movie exactly what 40 is, we’ll have to turn elsewhere. Namely, the internet. Even more namely, Twitter.
What do the 40-somethings of Twitter make of their chronological situation? Let’s dive in and find out.
10. The old one
Don’t try to ask about popular music, you’re never gonna get it.
Welcome to your 40s…you’re the old guy/gal at work now
— Kevin 🎧 (@kevtagion) March 10, 2021
9. Pull it
Not worth the risk, just let nature take over.
Welcome to your 40s where you pull a muscle in your back cutting your toenails.
— carriemehome (@CarrieG979) February 28, 2021
8. Everybody hurts
And you’re going to as well.
Welcome to your 40's. Sleeping hurts. Yeah, you read that right. Sleeping hurts.
— Henpecked Hal (@HenpeckedHal) March 13, 2021
7. Don’t sweat it
Y’all need to invest in some night fans. You can never have enough.
Welcome to your 40s. You now sweat while sleeping naked.
— WineMummy (@WineMummy) June 19, 2020
6. A clean break
Ok, I’m not in my 40’s yet and I’m already getting there.
Welcome to your 40s. Clean sheets excite you more than sex.
— WineMummy (@WineMummy) September 13, 2020
5. The pee pee dance
It’s the gift that just keeps on giving whether you like it or not.
4. Curiosity kills
This is why my dad always just tells me random headlines like we were talking about them.
3. A joint venture
Ha! Like any of us are ever going to be able to retire.
Welcome to your 40's. You'll be working for 25 more years; your joints, not so much.
— Henpecked Hal (@HenpeckedHal) March 2, 2021
2. Can’t hang
Dang, WineMummy, something on your mind?
Welcome to your 40s. Hangovers will now kill you.
— WineMummy (@WineMummy) April 7, 2019
1. Road range
Get OFF my LAND!
So, that’s what you have to look forward to. Or back on? That is 40.
What’s the weirdest thing about being your age?
Tell us in the comments.