The story you’re about to read reminds me of a kid I knew when I was younger who threw a glass jar of rubber cement from a school bus and shattered some guy’s windshield on the highway.
Yeah…not cool and not funny.
And neither is this story.
Take a look and see what happened.
WIBTA if i pressed charges on a teenager for destroying my property?
“Last night coming home a HS baseball player threw a baseball at my windshield.
The school bus he was in and my truck were both going 60mph opposite ways and he just threw a ball at my window. It was late at night and i had 2 kids in my car.
I have the option to press charges.
I want to because i had my children with me and it could’ve been alot worse, but at the same time i was a kid that did dumb stuff too.
So if i pressed charges on a 16-17 year old WIBTA?”
Now check out what Reddit users said about this.
One reader said they should press charges because it could have been serious.
And this individual remembered a terrible story that happened due to this something like this.
Another Reddit user said this person should definitely press charges.
What do you think? Should this person press charges or should they leave it alone?
Me…. seems like this kid needs to learn a lesson they’ll never forget.
So that’s my take. What’s yours?
Talk to us in the comments and let us know!