
I’m sure you already know this, but tattoos are more popular than ever these days and that’s good news for tattoo artists on two fronts.

One, a lot more people are obviously getting tattoos, and two, people get a lot of really bad tattoos and artists get even more jobs doing coverup work.

You really thought that tattoo of Taz waving the NASCAR flag on your leg was going to age well? Hmmmm, I don’t think so.

And one person who is killing it in the coverup game is a tattoo artist in Seoul, South Korea who goes by the name of tattooist_sigak. We think you’ll love their work!

Be sure to click on the arrows in the posts so you can see what the art looked like before it was covered up.

Go ahead and check it out!

1. A fire in the sky.

Uh oh, someone got their name covered up.


2. This one is pretty cool.

And creative, too!


3. Let’s touch this up just a little bit.

I’d call this a major improvement.


4. Looks very futuristic.

And I wonder what the meaning behind “Pink” was…


5. Here a bright butterfly for you.

Yeah, that old one had to go.


6. Here are several coverups to check out.

Which one do you like the best?


7. Welcome to the solar system.

I really like the colors on this one.


8. Purple night.

That is awesome.


9. Almost looks like a crystal ball.

Can it do any tricks?


10. This is how it’s done!

Now you have a very happy whale.


11. Blazing across the sky.

Nice work!


Now we want to hear from you.

In the comments, please tell us about some of your favorite tattoo artists that you follow on Instagram.

Thanks in advance!