I remember when I was a Freshman in high school, a lot of kids in my grade were already drinking, smoking, chewing tobacco (that was HUGE), and some of the girls were dating guys who were WAY older than them.
My thought was then and still remains to this day, “what’s the huge rush? We’re all 14 and 15-years-old, there’s plenty of time for that adult stuff a little later down the road.
And that’s why when I talk to my teenage niece or my friends’ kids, I always try to tell them not to be in a huge hurry to be adults and to enjoy themselves! And to try to do as many different things as possible (the good kind) before the real responsibilities of adulting kick in.
Kids, listen up to these adults on AskReddit who talked about things you should cross off of your bucket lists before you grow up.
1. You’re only young once.
“If you’re looking for practical life advice, learn how to use tools.
If you are looking for a memorable experience, honestly just stop and enjoy life. Take a SO and take a night to lay down in a field and watch the stars, stay out late with your friends to all hours of the night.
You are only young once, so enjoy it!”
2. It’s as simple as that!
“Swim naked or make out somewhere in nature with bf/gf/partner.
And learn how to use jumper cables
And not in the same night ideally.”
3. Enjoy your style!
“Have fun! Have crazy hair! Be goofy! Dress to express yourself!
How much I miss being able to do that!
As a mom and employed I do miss having more freedom to dress my punk style.”
4. Learn it!
“If I’ve learned anything in the past 10 years is that an uncomfortably large amount of business in America is processed though Excel files.
Learn as much Excel as you can before you join the workforce.
Put that on your resume!”
5. You’ll miss them.
“Hang out with your friends as much as you can.
Adulthood doesn’t give you much time to do so.
I miss my friends.”
6. Get out and see the world.
Spend or borrow the money, backpack on a different continent, bring a friend or go alone. Don’t delay it.
A year turns into 2, a wife, car, apartment, kids…
Save up, take off and enjoy before other commitments take over and your job becomes too important.
I’m a pretty financially conservative guy…. but the experience is priceless.”
7. Every little bit counts.
“If someone hasn’t set up the future for you, then I highly recommend you start putting money into some type of retirement account right now.
Even $100 will go so far if you start investing now compared to when you get a career later on.”
8. This is very true.
“If you’re gonna be a dipsh*t, do it before you’re legally an adult. Like for real, get it all out before “grown up” charges become a reality.
Judges around the world are like blood hounds when it comes to finding someone to make an example of.”
9. Do the real stuff.
“Go ask that person out, flirt awkwardly at a party (whenever we have parties again) instead of standing on the sidelines, actually ask/do that crazy dare in truth or dare, sneak into a pool at 2am to go skinny dipping.
Take a road trip or skip school to drive three hours for a Philly cheese steak with your three closest friends, write your own terrible fanfic and do a dramatic reading at an open mic.
Do things that are real, not just online. Take the social risk and put yourself out there.”
10. Use that free time wisely.
“Take advantage of the free time you have.
Teach yourself new things.
You may surprise yourself by unintentionally discovering something you might find joy in doing.”
11. Soak it all up.
“Have fun. Cherish the absolute sh*t out of the people around you and times you’re having with them now.
Because in a few years you’ll either go your separate ways or some of those amazing people will be dead. You’re living in the good times now, friend.
This isn’t the adult advice you were looking for but I promise it’s important. Live while you can but be smart about it.”
12. Build a good work ethic.
“Don’t waste all your time working, but learn to work. Do some time in a warehouse. Do something lifting heavy shi*. Do something with long hours. Just as long as you want.
It instills some work ethic and working a sh*tty job now will make you thankful for the good jobs you land in the future. Also, don’t waste all your time on sports unless you’re genuinely trying to get a scholarship or something.
Why would you spend 30 hours a week in football practice when you could be running around having fun with your friends? Don’t waste your youth feeling obligated to give all your time to something that won’t benefit you in the long run.
Soon your life will revolve around college and work, so enjoy free time now.”
13. Good stuff here.
“Try everything you are interested in now. Schools often offer a wide variety of different clubs and stuff.
Most of the time it’s free or at least wayyy cheaper compared to doing this sh*t as an adult. Woodworking was offered at my school I never took it but wish I had. Not having to spend my own money on materials and tools would’ve been awesome.
I took Home Econ 101 for the “easy a” and didn’t even learn to cook anything luckily my wife is amazing in the kitchen. I got to try soccer, swimming, tennis, drama, band, football, chess, ROTC, wrestling, karate, and so much more for the cost (to my parents) of a lot less than going to do these activities for private clubs.
Granted some stuff does cost more than others but you can’t beat the experiences you get. And if you don’t like it, or it ain’t for you, you just stop.
But don’t be afraid of new experiences, learn how to save money, if your parents are comfortable letting you in on finances then get involved and see what sh*t costs. If I managed my money better and had a little bit of an idea how easily that sh*t vanishes I’d be in a much better spot.
All that being said you can have fun as an adult, but it is nothing compared to the basically consequence-less fun you can have as a kid. Have fun, be safe and make memories.
Also, s*x is gonna be thrown around a bit in these years. I don’t expect everybody if anybody to stay “pure” but for the love of God protect yourself, boys and girls.
Condoms and birth control are so much cheaper than raising a kid or having an ab*rtion, both of which are bound to put you through extreme mental and physical stress. I promise it’s not that much better if you go in without protection.
Also boys and girls (but mostly boys), no means no. Pressuring a girl into it isn’t cool even if she’s done it before or said she would do it with you. If she changes her mind respect that.”
Now we want to hear from you!
In the comments, tell us what YOU think youngsters should do before they become all grown up.
Please and thank you!