We’re here to make you laugh… That’s our Number One mission in life! In fact, it’s really the only thing that brings us pleasure in life. And these posts you’re about to see… Forget about it! These are some really darn good ones! We’re very confident that you’re going to laugh HARD. Are you ready to...
Summer is right around the corner, and as long as the cicadas don’t get you, that means grilling season! Star Wars fans take notice, nerd culture is alive and well, and there is a grill or fire pit out there just for you. Etsy is simply the best for shopping small and finding incredible hand-made crafts, and this grill is no...
The worst thing about owning a dog is that they don’t live as we do. Having a dog is like signing a contract with sadness—eventually, you’re going to have to say goodbye to a few fur friends in your lifetime. It’s the hardest thing to do. You never get over it, and you never, ever forget them. They’re always part of...
I’m not sure how to prepare you for what you’re about to see so I’ll just come out and say it. These are a bunch of dogs who have bread on their faces. They think you won’t recognize them. They are attempting to bamboozle you. Don’t fall victim to it. To protect you from bamboozlement, I have listed what I suspect to...
Marriage is one of humanity’s oldest institutions and the source of a fair bit of our historical controversies. But on a smaller scale, it’s the framework in which you can just get mad at each other for opening cans wrong or whatever. But don’t take it from me, take it from the actually married couples of Twitter. 12. Sleep...
Love, as they say, makes the world go ’round. The older I get, the more I realize that having loving friends and family members is so important and is worth way more than anything else in this crazy world thƒat we live in. What’s the best way to show someone you love them? AskReddit users weighed in on this important question. 1. Show...
Let’s cut to the chase: you like cats, you like mullets. So how about we look at some photos of… CATS WITH GLORIOUS MULLETS! It’s really the only thing you need in your life right now, trust us. Take a look! 1. Business up front… Party in the back… View this post on Instagram A...
Where were you on November 6 of last year? If you were like a lot of Americans, you may have been glued to the news. Together as a country, many of us witnessed a funny moment when the Attorney General of Pennsylvania, Josh Shaprio, was interrupted during an MSNBC interview by an unwitting family member. It was a moment of levity that we all...
I love it. You love it. We all love it! What am I talking about, you might be asking yourself? Well, let me tell you! I’m talking about hilarious tweets about dads. Are y’all ready for this? Let’s have some laughs! 1. Uh oh… This is how it starts. “Dad isn’t it weird that the word chicken can mean an animal or a type...