I remember going to Sam’s Club when I was a kid and being mesmerized by all the giant containers of pickles and mayo and cereal. My parents got a massive deal on a case of ice pops that were, unfortunately, made with real fruit juice and not Otterpops. But the point is, Sam’s knows “big” best. They specialize in...
I know we live in a pretty divided country right now, but I think we can all agree that dogs are cats are SIMPLY THE BEST. You’re on board with that, right? Good! Now enjoy these great tweets about those fuzzy little hell raisers! 1. I’d be okay with that. What a way to go! Don’t ever apologise for your dog jumping up on me, if I...
You never really know how a chance encounter might change your perspective in life or provide you with an affirming experience. And that’s exactly what happened to a woman named Rachel R. Romeo, a speech-language pathologist who had an encounter on a plane that made a big impact on her. Romeo explained in detail what happened that day in a...
Sometimes teenage kids gotta get roasted, you know what I’m saying? If you are around these monsters, then you know that’s definitely the truth! And these parents are roasting the right way! Read on to see what they had to say to their kiddos! 1. This is brilliant. And so very true. “When your children are teenagers, it’s...
You never really know how any action you take could impact someone else. Sometimes, it only takes just the smallest act of kindness to completely change someone’s life. One of the things about acts of kindness is that the person who performs the act usually never finds out what happened to the person they helped. And that’s okay...
Libraries and librarians are amazing, and they rarely get the credit they deserve. My library for sure got me through the pandemic with a steady supply of ebooks. They do so much for the most under-served areas of our communities every day. So it was great to see Buzzfeed do a roundup of Reddit posts from the r/mildlyinteresting subreddit,...
Sometimes I look around and the world seems really bleak. But that’s big picture. It’s funny because the song “From a Distance” talks about how if you zoom out far enough, the world looks fine and we’re all just people. No hunger, no war, etc. And that’s fair enough. Mother Earth looks pretty beautiful from...
Let’s get funny and let’s get honest, shall we? I’m talking specifically about the parenting department. If you have kids, you know it’s a constant struggle of push and pull and keeping them in line…with some occasional sprinkles of love dashed in here and there for good measure. But, one thing is for sure. It’s...
After reading the following stories about childbirth and the insane things people say when they’re going through it… I find it surprising that people have children at all! But hey, that’s what we do. Most people will have a kid in their lifetime, and so childbirth is a shared experience that spans the test of time. Check out...