10 Memes About How Grandparents Are Just the Best

There are few things as sweet in this life as the kind of unequivocal support that comes from grandparents. No matter what you may be going through or how old you are, they’re always there to make you feel a little bit better and a little bit safer in live. Here are ten of the best ways that our wonderful grandmas and grandpas show their...

What The World Looks Like From The Perspective Of A Bunch Of Runner Ducks

Before I wrote this article, I had no idea what a “runner duck” was, other than the obvious – a duck that runs. It turns out they’re an independent species of duck that runs rather than waddles, and that stands completely upright like a penguin. View this post on Instagram A post shared...

Take a Look at These Adorable Cats on TikTok

Cats sure are lovable weirdos, aren’t they? You bet they are! And one of the places that they really seem to shine is on TikTok. Cat owners all over the world routinely share videos of their crazy kitties getting into all kinds of mischief. Well, friends, here are 13 more TikTok videos of felines getting funny and ferocious. Let’s take...

Take a Look at These Wholesome Pet Pics From the “Then and Now” Challenge

The connection between us human beings and our pets is one of the most special bonds we’ll have in this lifetime. I’ve had two cats and three dogs in my lifetime and, even though they have all crossed over the Rainbow Bridge, I still cherish the time I got to spend with them. Our pets are part of our families! No doubt about...

12 Really Great Things That’ll Restore Your Faith In Humanity

If there’s something we as a society need more of right now, it’s wholesomeness and kindness. There’s way too much ugliness in the world at the moment, so it’s important to step back from the madness and look at the nice things going on out there. And I personally believe that there is a lot more good in the world than bad....

12 Hilarious Questions Teachers Have Heard Over Zoom

Everyone agrees that teaching kids over Zoom isn’t ideal, but we’ve all – teachers, students, parents, administrators – done our best to adapt. Teachers, especially, have worked to give kids grace as everyone adapts to this new way of being or doing, which is good, since no one probably thought we’d be doing it quite...

Funny Posts About Guys Pulling Total Dad Moves

There’s a certain type of humor that just comes naturally to dads… I think a switch flips in their heads once they have kids and they all just…kind of act the same. Which is great news for those of us that like to laugh at all things dad-related! Take a look at what I’m talking about! 1. This look familiar. You know it...

Learn About Some Very Interesting Things From These Video Bloggers

Trust me on this one…you shouldn’t write off folks on TikTok because you might believe that it’s a platform for kids and teenagers. There’s actually a lot of really good content on there that you should explore when you have a little bit of extra time on your hands. And we’re about to see some of the good stuff...

Nice and Wholesome Posts To Make You Feel Good Today

I think it’s safe to say that almost all of us have been pretty beaten down, depressed, and anxiety-ridden at the things that have happened in the world over the past year or so…or maybe longer… So that’s why every single one of us needs to take a little bit of time each and every day to seek out the good things going on...

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