The teenage years are difficult for every person. Me, you, everyone you know! And sometimes teen boys and girls act horribly and they need their parents to bring them down to Earth. So enjoy these tweets from parents who showed no mercy when they roasted their teenagers! 1. Thug life! Don’t forget to tell your mommy. My 15yo son told me he...
For most parents, it’s been a major headache trying to figure out how to keep their kids occupied during this pandemic that has kept all of us cooped up in our houses for nine months now. But Alex Zane doesn’t seem to have that problem at all. Zane and his 5-year-old daughter Matilda have spent their quarantine time recreating iconic...
There’s nothing like a dog to make you happy. Eternal love, big puppy eyes, that tail or bob wiggling back and forth when they’re happy to see you–it’s contagious. That’s the whole reason one guy takes videos of his dog and shares them on TikTok–and the whole reason his #happydog video started a new trend. As it...
Guys… if you have daughters or if you’re going to have daughters, this post is definitely for you. And you are a daughter… we’d love to hear from you at the end. Yes, these 15 women are stepping up to tell dads of girls what we need to know to help them grow into strong, independent women. Let’s take a look! 1....
When most of us think about giving birth and cuddling the cute little babies we bring home, the operative word there is “little.” They’re tiny and cute, with their little fingers and little toes…except sometimes they’re not. Sometimes they’re huge, and their mothers are the opposite, and honestly, people on...
When people ask me whether I’m a cat person or a dog person, I generally just say “yes.” Though I will admit that if I’m going to get one as a pet, it’s more likely to be a cat. I kinda dig their self-sufficiency. They’re got their own projects going on and I can respect that. In any case, they’re all...
Libraries make huge impacts in our lives. They’re safe spaces for people of all ages and refuges for folks who sometimes have no other place to go. People took to Twitter to talk about how libraries affected their lives in positive ways. 1. Home away from home. A safe place. When I was a young boy, the library was a safe place away from a...
I just love good-human stories about people doing things to help out our animal neighbors. Even better when it’s an entire government taking actions to sustain these noble creatures for future generations. Much like the wildlife crossings built over the Trans-Canada Highway, it warmed my heart to hear of the recent steps that Spain is...
Every private establishment has the right to set their own expectations as far as customer behavior and dress. Likewise, every customer is free to have their opinion – and to speak up about it online. Those two rights are clashing over the dress code at the self-proclaimed “family friendly” establishment called Turkey Leg...